Friday, December 18, 2009

The "Jew"

So today at work, we had a client that brought her dog in for grooming. They are very nice people and very loyal. When they came to pick up their beautiful Golden Retriever, I went to get her and brought her out. They were very pleased with the groom, even going so far as tipping the groomer for a job well done. However, upon further inspection, this client politely and quietly asked if we happened to have a blue or holiday neutral bandana since they celebrate Hanukkah. "Of course!" I replied. So I head back to the kennel to get one, when I quickly realize almost ALL the fabric used for bandanas are overtly Christmas themed. So I asked, "Do we have a simple blue bandana or something neutral since they celebrate Hanukkah?" The reply I received was unexpected and, quite honestly, offensive. I was told no and that they should just deal with the Christmas bandana and stop complaining. So I took it upon myself to look through the "uncut" fabric and found something neutral, it was pale blue with plain snowmen. I asked if we could cut it so they could have one, I was told no because "people should stop complaining about everything being Christmas themed." He went further, "Those Jews, I hear they have money but that's all I know." Needless to say I was pissed off, these people are very nice and there was no complaining. Well besides that I felt like saying you can keep those remarks to your damn self because there's no use for ignorance. So what, these clients simply celebrate a different holiday, thanks to the American way. I realize that a bandana on a dog is something minuscule in the grand scheme of things, but to use it as some sort of platform to express your frustration with something SO MUCH BIGGER than ridiculous. So I ended up offering them a completely random bandana, nowhere close to blue...I believe it was dark red/cream gingham. My parting words to those staff members..."People need to realize that NUMEROUS Americans celebrate holidays in December OTHER THAN Christmas. A simple request from someone who helps keep you employed is a no brainer...MAKE IT HAPPEN!" Then as a final "slap in the face" remark, I ended it with, "Oh by the way, I celebrate Xmas, how do you like them apples?!?" My sarcasm continues to amaze me lol.

So my frustration lies in the fact that this client went without her request, to which I profusely apologized and, especially since, we normally have such bandanas. I mean afterall, there's not just one Jewish family that frequents Windhaven.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Loving Texas

I don't think I would have ever said this before moving to Kansas for, what turned out to be, a couple of months but...I love Texas. Even living in that small town (aka Gunter), I would like all of you to know...we are SPOILED! I'm not meaning to compare Texas to Kansas, it's just been nice being back. I've not been on here in a while because of a few things, I go to school half time and work full time. So my time, when at home, is spent on school, relaxing, cooking, relaxing, farming (yes) and relaxing. I know I've neglected my blog and I regret that, it's nice to have an outlet of some kind. By the way, should you be on Facebook and are intrigued by Farmville, add me as a neighbor! Though, I find it humorous that some people think I actually only have time to sit here and play on Farmville, it's not the case, I'm just able to multitask well. Regardless of my faults (ie procrastination) I am able to do many things. Although, I don't have children, which some use as an excuse for lack of time but, hey, it's's only a game afterall.

So, work is good, nothing is more fulfilling than working for a paycheck, I say this because I was without one for some time. I'm happy to have seen our first snow. Actually, I was quite shocked by that. I did a double take when I looked out the window, I recalled the weatherman that night saying we wouldn't get any winter precip, then it happened. IT ACTUALLY SNOWED HERE FIRST!!!! Although Kansas has seen much worse things since that day, it was nice to experience it. My only wish is to experience it more this season, I may be alone in that but it's true no less.

Speaking of work, it's been a little awkward going back. There's a new manager and given I was able to get my job back, I took my place as the highest paid employee. So, it's awkward when I hear they are now budget conscious because I feel it's partially because of me. So it's strange when this new person comes up to me and asks if I want a certain day off. Granted I'm always given the choice, but I know I cost the hospital more than the others. I should add I'm not always the target but I KNOW when I'm asked, it's "hoped" that I'll either leave early or take a day off. So that sucks but life is good at the moment. Just wanted to share!