Sunday, February 20, 2011

Chasey Boy

Chase, an Australian Shepherd, came into our family about 6 or so years ago. He was an obnoxious but super sweet little guy and we all loved him almost immediately. Although his "obnoxiousness" could be tiresome at times, he was ultimately a good pup. We "rescued" him, I guess you'd say. There was a family in Coppell that decided they'd rather have a pool in their backyard than a young dog. So they looked for a home, found one but that person wanted an outside dog. Chase, being used to living indoors, would sit outside and cry wanting to come inside. We took him in and, at first, it was a trying experience. See, we already had an indoor dog, Mekka (dalmation). She wasn't uber thrilled at first but she adjusted and grew to love him as well. Best friends.

A little a kid, we always had dogs really but they always lived outdoors. I guess maybe my parents didn't know how to deal with an indoor pet or just weren't willing, either way it was just the way it was and it was ok. After I graduated from HS and after a year in college, we got Mekka (the dalmation), my mom and dad were hesitant at first to have an indoor dog but we all acclimated nicely and she became a HUGE part of the family. A couple years later, here comes Chase...again, he quickly became a member of the family. I moved out several years ago and felt it inappropriate to bring either dog to an apartment. I mean, let's be honest, if you're accustomed to running around on 5 acres of land only to be stuffed into a small apartment, walked on a leash,'d be unhappy...right? So they live with my parents in Gunter because I KNOW that makes them happy. It's their home afterall.

So fast forward to present day. Mekka is aging, she's going on 12 yrs, which is really rare for a dalmation. She's suffering from arthritis and, essentially, a degenerative disc disease. The meds have not quite helped her as of late and we've been preparing ourselves to make THAT decision. However, I got a call Thursday afternoon from my mom saying Chase wasn't doing well, he was sick.

For those who don't know, I work at a veterinary hospital. I have heard from our clients regarding symptoms running the gamut, from severe to slight. Some even waiting DAYS after those same symptoms begin to even call the vet.

So, my mom tells me that Chase has been vomiting beginning that morning. He's lethargic, drinking water but not eating. So I tell her he needs to see a vet because of possible dehydration and since I'm an hour away, it would have to wait until the morning. I asked her to check all the usual things...temp by touch of ears, nose, gums, etc. He seems to be in not much distress at that point, to me anyway given my experience. My aunt Christy, an RVT, stopped by that night to check him out. His temperature was normal, only slightly dehydrated and not feeling well. So my dad will be bringing him to my hospital the following morning for evaluation, fluids, etc.

Friday morning comes. My phone rings at 6:28am. It's my sister, who works at a veterinary specialists office. I wake up believing she's going to tell me that she's bringing Chase to me so I can take him in once my hospital opens. The words that came from her mouth did not resonate at first, it was unbelievable. "Chase died" she said. I was in shock. I was upset. Denial. I mean how could THAT be the outcome?!?!? HOW?!?!

It still doesn't quite seem real, I mean HE was the HEALTHY ONE! The one that would be mourning our dalmation Mekka!

I later found out that my mom found him dead in the utility room, where he had been confined so water/food could be withheld. According to my mom, she tried to open the door after calling, "Chasey Boy!", but he was in front of that door. She saw blood from his back end...a lot of blood and knew. So, being in the country, you bury your pets. My dad dug a grave for Chase and he's buried at his home in Gunter.

What I can't stop thinking about...Was he in pain or scared just before he passed? I realize this is a dog, but he was a family member regardless and thinking about those things makes me extremely sad. However, Mekka (our dalmation) probably took it worst of all. As my dad was digging the grave and while he was covered by a blanket...Mekka went up to him and sniffed him, began crying and laid next to him. Whoever says dogs are just animals is wrong period.

It was a sad day for my family. Still is.