Saturday, March 12, 2011


So most of us have read, seen, heard about what's going on in Japan. It's a terrible, horrific tragedy and, as Americans, we must do our part to help in any way we can.

That being said, I've continued to think about one thing...what if? I mean, Japan is an industrialized nation and, in more ways than one, more advanced than the US. So...what if this happens to us? What if some natural disaster wipes out half the US? I realize many of you may believe that it was some anomaly or fluke incident, however, we keep hearing how Japan is accustomed to earthquakes and has precautions in place for tsunamis. It's been said that the people of that country are educated from birth to expect/prepare for the worst case scenario. So, apparently, this natural disaster has come as a sobering reality...not only to them, but to us. What I'm getting at is this...what if and WHEN will this occur to the USA? What will the people of this country do/react to when half the country is wiped out by natural disaster and we must now rely on foreign assistance? It seems strange...IMO...primarily because we've witnessed major natural disasters in, mostly, un-industrialized countries.

I saw on CNN recently an interview with General Honore, the guy from New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina, and I kept wondering, "WHY are they talking to him?!?" While I understand the comparison of destruction of New Orleans following Katrina and the flooding from the storm surge...there's a distinct difference. We are talking about a country, almost HALF a country...NOT a city...being destroyed by a natural disaster. A country that endured an earthquake (8.9) AND a tsunami...the comparisons are minimal. THIS interview got me thinking, if the United States endured something on a comparable scale...what would be the response?

It is my hope that when something like this happens in the United States, not only will we welcome the assistance but that we are as fortunate as others to have such assistance offered to us.

My thoughts go out to the citizens of Japan, I cannot imagine the toll this is taking on you and yours. May you find some solace in knowing that the United States and it's people are here for you and doing what we can to help.