Saturday, November 14, 2009

TWOC: Christmas Shopping

I must admit I'm not very good with the whole shopping thing. As a matter of fact, I'd rather have my fingers removed by a butter knife than go to the mall, but hey, when it comes to Christmas exceptions must be made. There's just something about buying for other people that makes it so much better, ESPECIALLY when I'm buying for those two beautiful girls. So tonight, while in Gunter at my parent's house, I was told that Emma was to go through the toy catalog (I believe it was Target) and tell me what she wants for Christmas. Well, I don't think I got a good grasp of what she really wants because she decided to point to, literally, every toy on every page and exclaim, "I want that...and that....and that....and that!" Needless to say, I would buy her everything in that catalog but, given I'm not some millionaire, it will be scaled down...just a bit.

Ok, getting back to Christmas shopping...only ONCE have I done my shopping last minute and the crowds were enough to ward me off from it for life. People are hysterical and ridiculous when it comes to shopping just before the holidays. However, those people also come across as sane individuals compared to those who do the whole "Black Friday" fiasco. Chaos reigns supreme on that particular date and I would rather be homeless than have to shop on that day. Having worked in retail, I've seen first hand how disgusting people can be. For me, I may have had a better grasp of the situation, I mean some of them were trying to get a good deal on the ONLY thing their child/niece/grandchild wanted that year. Who doesn't want to make a child's Christmas that much brighter? However, resorting to name calling, pushing/shoving, even fighting is uncalled for. To be honest, I'd rather buy everything online than have to deal with people in the stores. It's so much more cozy...imagine if you will, a nice hot cup of coffee (with holiday creamer), listening to Christmas music and buying gifts for the people you love online in the safe, comfortable location that is your home. It's nice. Trust me, do'll thank me later lol.


Keelie said...

That does sound nice but...old habits die hard. I will be in the mall.Tomorrow. But I will be nice.

klg0816 said...

Haha! As much as I'd like to fully admit I buy everything online, truth is...I don't. However, the mall is only used as a last resort and by that, I mean, I may go to department stores where I can enter and exit without walking through the whole darn thing. If that makes any sense. I must admit, I'm SO looking forward to getting my shopping done and THANKFUL I'm back at work and will get paid SOON LOL.