Friday, December 18, 2009

The "Jew"

So today at work, we had a client that brought her dog in for grooming. They are very nice people and very loyal. When they came to pick up their beautiful Golden Retriever, I went to get her and brought her out. They were very pleased with the groom, even going so far as tipping the groomer for a job well done. However, upon further inspection, this client politely and quietly asked if we happened to have a blue or holiday neutral bandana since they celebrate Hanukkah. "Of course!" I replied. So I head back to the kennel to get one, when I quickly realize almost ALL the fabric used for bandanas are overtly Christmas themed. So I asked, "Do we have a simple blue bandana or something neutral since they celebrate Hanukkah?" The reply I received was unexpected and, quite honestly, offensive. I was told no and that they should just deal with the Christmas bandana and stop complaining. So I took it upon myself to look through the "uncut" fabric and found something neutral, it was pale blue with plain snowmen. I asked if we could cut it so they could have one, I was told no because "people should stop complaining about everything being Christmas themed." He went further, "Those Jews, I hear they have money but that's all I know." Needless to say I was pissed off, these people are very nice and there was no complaining. Well besides that I felt like saying you can keep those remarks to your damn self because there's no use for ignorance. So what, these clients simply celebrate a different holiday, thanks to the American way. I realize that a bandana on a dog is something minuscule in the grand scheme of things, but to use it as some sort of platform to express your frustration with something SO MUCH BIGGER than ridiculous. So I ended up offering them a completely random bandana, nowhere close to blue...I believe it was dark red/cream gingham. My parting words to those staff members..."People need to realize that NUMEROUS Americans celebrate holidays in December OTHER THAN Christmas. A simple request from someone who helps keep you employed is a no brainer...MAKE IT HAPPEN!" Then as a final "slap in the face" remark, I ended it with, "Oh by the way, I celebrate Xmas, how do you like them apples?!?" My sarcasm continues to amaze me lol.

So my frustration lies in the fact that this client went without her request, to which I profusely apologized and, especially since, we normally have such bandanas. I mean afterall, there's not just one Jewish family that frequents Windhaven.


Kendra said...

I work with people like that also.....then I get called "sensative" because I don't like the word fag. Is it just me or is that offensive to others also. I'm tired of making excuses for people with no tact!

As for your previous post about farmville- I am a mother of two, a full time student, and work 45 hours+ a week in a physically demanding, high stress job........and I still find time to play farmville!! I suppose I could craft or bake myself into oblivion in my spare time but I choose to plow instead.

klg0816 said...

I'm not saying that everyone needs to be "politically correct", it's just that most people need to take a second and think before they say something that could offend others. It's not difficult. The term "fag" could be offensive, depends on the situation. (I mean it could also mean a collection of logs or a cigarette.) Just like, "oh you're a stay-at-home-mom" could be offensive. Just like the use of the term "Mexican" could be offensive. It goes round and round. However, when I heard this person talk about "Jews" in the way he did, I found it offensive. One of my best friends is Jewish and when those derogatory remarks came spewing out, I was offended. As a matter of fact, his hatred is all I thought of when I told her "Happy Hanukkah" tonight. It pisses me off that some people cannot bother themselves to be enlightened to other people's "way of life". It's unfortunate. I kept thinking...oh, how Christian of you...

Keelie said...

Hey..not sure how I missed this and your last post. I guess lately I have just been hopping on, type a quick post and get back off. anyway...I was glad to read this. I had been wondering the details of what happened after you mentioned it on fb.

As a Christian myself, I can say that it really bothers me, too, when people have this kind of hateful attitude. I enjoy spending the holiday of Christmas celebrating the birth of my Savior, but find it odd that someone who claims to follow in the ways and teaching of Christ(a Christian) would act in such a way. Christ did not mandate or even suggest the idea of Christmas. That was a man-made holiday. I think Jesus is disgusted by the type of behavior you mentioned. He would much rather us just love one another.(Not mention Jesus was a Jew...King of...ha)
I hope you had a happy "whatever" with your family, loved ones, and plenty of Alabama music.

by the way..I had to get off FB bc I spent too much time on there Ironically the only reason I never did farmville or something like it was bc I knew I would become addicted. sorry I made fun of you :) so if you ever want to contact me:

klg0816 said...

Hey Keelie, sorry I just recently saw your post! I've been absent from my blog for some time now. We celebrate Christmas, I just felt my blood boil and needed to say something that he might find offensive. Probably not the best idea, especially since he didn't get it, but such is life. Don't apologize for making fun of me regarding Farmville! It's true, it's sad and a little pathetic! I miss you on Facebook! I'll talk to ya soon...