Monday, August 31, 2009

From Public Storage to Dyson

So when you're online and you decide to reserve a space, they provide graphics to represent that particular space. At first, we felt that a 5'X15' storage unit would suffice given that some of our "big" stuff would be taken by friends, well I reserved it. So last night we find out that, hey not only is no one going to take our coffee table or TV center thing BUT NO ONE WILL BE TAKING OUR DINING TABLE AND CHAIRS!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say, things changed, so after we discussed it last night, we opted to go for the next size know the one that says, "For a large 1 bedroom apartment". So, today, I go to sign everything, look at the larger one and, can I just say (pardon my French)...HOLY's like a freakin' closet!!!! I called Seam and he said just take it (he was half asleep, I guess), so I did. I realize that it's 8-9ft high and things can stack upon each other BUT my stressed out brain cannot fathom how a king sized sleigh bed, CURVED full sofa, dining table & chairs, coffee table, computer desk, TV stand, one TV (thankfully someone took our plasma...of course boo) and ALL THE BOXES can possibly fit! So Seam has that task (with the movers), for which I am grateful. I will gladly clean this apartment to avoid the complicated puzzle that will be our storage unit. Hmm...speaking of cleaning....without further ado....I would like to re-create an introduction I made a few hours ago, it went something like this, "Hello Dyson, meet carpet" has been a match made in Heaven all evening. I never knew vacuuming could be so fun!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

A chapter closed...

Today was my last day at Windhaven Veterinary Hospital. I've enjoyed working there, for the most part, I mean despite petty office politics. I actually like most of our clients and I've gained some knowledge in the profession. I undoubtedly feel confident in helping my pet's live a longer, healthier life. That alone, to me, is priceless. However, something else happened at Windhaven. After the first couple of years there working diligently, always leaving everything behind at the end of the day and never really considering the people I work with as anything other than "work friends"...I feel I've made lasting friendships in the last couple of years. I'm not sure what took me so long and, while I regret not letting these people into my life earlier, I'm happy with what I've gained. In other words, people that love me for who I am and not what I pretend to be, that too, is priceless.

It's strange, I'm not quite convinced that I no longer work there, I suppose it will hit me in a couple of days. It's been difficult to say the least. I'm not just leaving a job behind, I'm leaving really, really great people and, most importanly, great friends. I realize we'll always be friends and I'm happy for that BUT I will no longer see these people everyday. We won't talk everyday. Maybe I'm being silly, just a little emotional I suppose. It's not as though I'm leaving one job for another, it's more than that...I'm moving far away from everything that is familiar. Hence, this chapter of my life being closed. Wichita, KS will never really be home, I'm sure I'll go through withdrawals lol, but home is where the heart is and I cannot stress it enough, my heart has been there since July 13th.

All this being said...more packing to do, more cleaning to do and NEVER enough time!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The dumpster is my friend...

Well, ok, it just feels that way today. I think I made 6 or 7 trips to the dumpster! I got rid of a lot of crapola BUT I'm only one person and I don't care how much I can carry at one takes it's toll. I'm exhausted and I'm certain I will be sore tomorrow, which is ok, it means I did something...right? However, I feel like a dent has barely been made in what all I planned to do prior to this weekend. It's ok, I have a few least that's what I keep telling myself. Damn you procrastination....

Craftiness... that a word?!?! Ok, who cares. I have to say that my friend Keelie is probably one of the craftiest (is that a word...again?) people I know. She's currently holding a fall wreath party on her blog and I invite everyone who is interested to join! There are door prizes and such but I'm also interested in what you have to offer. You see, I cannot participate given my upcoming move to the "Heartland"; however, I hope to make some stuff of my own once I get there. Yes, I admit it, I hope to be crafting some stuff in Kansas. What else is there to do there anyway? So, check it out!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I'm not referring to food packaging, uneaten food, empty soda cans or the like. Instead I'm referring to things that we've accumulated over the last few years that have literally become unnecessary in our life. This includes decorations, clothes, kitchen utensils and appliances....even furniture. I guess this move has become necessary in my life. I'm finally able to rid myself of so much "baggage". It's true what they say, getting rid of the "clutter" really is cathartic. However, as I sit here typing, I can also see what seems to be an endless mound of "trash" waiting to be tossed. It would be nice if the dumpster was right outside my door...ugh I hate apartments. Tuesday is the day. Hero will be taken to the hospital for a groom, while I labor away at getting everything OUT. Hopefully it will not be as overwhelming once I begin, we'll see.

Speaking of being overwhelmed, I never knew just how many sets of scrubs I had until today. It's seriously unbelieveable. What's truly amazing is that I've already turned in some scrubs, where did they all come from? I'm just stressed with everything right now.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I know I will only be in Kansas until March...but it's freakin' March and since it's come down to being only 3 weeks before I leave, things have been weighing heavily on my mind. I will, most certainly, miss my family. I believe the longest I've gone without seeing my niece, Emma, is a month and even then, she was SOOOOO different than the last time I saw her. Brynlee was born in June, and while she will not remember my absence, it still stings. It stings because I cannot only see her and Emma when I want/can but instead it's when I can make the trek back to TX. I'm sad because I'm so afraid things with those beautiful girls will change so much that it won't "matter" that I'm in their lives. I know it's silly, I've just been thinking about them a lot lately...