Take today...I could NOT for the life of me get Lucy out from under the bed. I only spent 30 mins and decided I'd leave a note for housekeeping. You know, just letting them know she's under there. I wouldn't want them to freak out because some "giant rat" came running out from under the bed. Lucy is very petite. So, Hero and I leave. Generally, I would take him to a park, we'd get me some lunch. He'd beg, only getting his cup o' water. Spend a couple hours, doing not too much and come back to a freshly cleaned room. Today was different. It's raining, so we spent TWO HOURS sitting in my car!!! Granted there was some driving around, but damn, it was extremely boring. We came back, housekeeping had yet to enter...UGHHHHHHHHHHH! I think at that point, I might've cursed them to a life of scrubbing toilets, but I can't be sure. Of course, I can't fault them for it, they're just doing their job and I'm the one impeding it...whatever. So we left again and came back in an hour. It had been cleaned...THANK GOODNESS. They replenished the towels, toilet paper (who cares, I buy my own), Kleenex, trash bags and, oh, wait....paper towels? That's right, they did not replenish the PAPER TOWELS! Alright, so I'm being a spoiled brat, who cares. WHO THE EFF, pardon my language, LEAVES THREE PAPER TOWELS ON A ROLL?!?!?!?! Again, I know I'm being ridiculous, but what did they think..."Oh 3 paper towels, they're good for a week"...huh? Don't get me wrong, I don't mind buying some, it's not the biggest issue in the world, obviously, but c'mon...seriously?
Like I said before, I know it sounds silly, it's just irritating. It's a fiasco just so they can come clean the room...I swear, I don't know what's worse, being a housekeeper at a hotel or me, getting it "ready" for housekeeping....ok, don't answer that, I know the answer lol. I suppose I should be grateful...well, I would be if I had a full roll of paper towels! They even threw away the half roll of toilet paper...ugh, wasteful much? Ok, rant is done.
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