Saturday, November 7, 2009


That's right, I'm finally able to sit down and write a blog post lol. So, let me just tell you all that has occurred in the last week. For starters, everyone knows I moved back to Texas! I'm so happy to be home, it just feels like "home" here. Even the stupid traffic put a small smile on my face this past Monday lol. Now, don't get me wrong, Kansas was ok but let's face it, I only went there for one reason and, well, it wasn't Kansas LOL. Fortunately, the opportunity came up for me to come back and we felt it was the best decision. So Saturday I drove back to Plano, with Hero and Lucy in tow. It was probably the ONE thing I dreaded most. I mean, Hero isn't exactly easy to take in a car, he loves to stand in my lap and look out the window. Although he did really well, I only let him in my lap once per hour lol...spoiled, I know. So anyway, 5 1/2 hour drive done, I boarded them at the hospital and checked into my hotel.

The Hotel
Let me start by saying it was cheap, like super cheap. However, I will NEVER again stay at Homestead Suites in Plano. I knew given the price it would be an experience but hell, it was only for one night. I killed 5 bugs, I suppose housekeeping left the window open and that's how they got in? I'm gonna go with that one. They weren't roaches though, but still. I should have complained or something, perhaps got the room for free but whatever. I just went with it. Got up the next morning (did not sleep under the covers by the way lol) and got things underway to get moved in.

Creekside Homes at Legacy
We lived here for a couple years, so I was not only familiar with the staff but the complex as well. It is very close to my job and they're nice apartments. So that was all a bonus. I fortunately got my lease signed prior to the movers calling, so I had enough time to check out the apartment. Nice, hardwood floors in the kitchen and bathroom. It's not too big but it's a mansion compared to that hotel room. Movers came and went, it was nice to have all the old furniture back even though we got rid of A LOT of stuff, which is nice...means LESS to unpack! It had to wait though, afterall I started work the very next morning.

Back at Work
It was such a relief to be back somewhere familiar, working with people I know, for people I know and with clients I know. It's like I never left, it's comfortable. So, without a hitch, I was back into my routine and it felt good. Hero, however, is not back into the routine. He's had to go to work with me EVERYDAY this week because he can't seem to get used to staying home alone. I can literally hear him SCREAMING from the parking lot! It's frustrating but not unexpected.

New Delivery
Seam decided it was time to buy a washer and dryer, which I agreed with. Afterall, we had been renting them for the last several years, needless to say, with what we'd been paying, we could've ALREADY owned them lol. By the way, I'm well aware of the stupidity in renting's ok. So he scheduled them to be delivered on Tuesday. Let's just say this, I NEVER realized just how complicated a washer and dryer can be to operate. They are front loaders with NUMEROUS cycles, options, buttons, sounds, etc, etc. Nice but I would've been just fine with the plain janes, that's ok though. In addition to the washer & dryer, he also got us a 54" plasma TV and Blu Ray player. So, expensive delivery but very nice. Just wish I wasn't the only one enjoying them at the moment but that will change soon.

So now, I'm back to blogging. I've missed several TWOC posts but hope to get back into it this week. I'm so HAPPY to be more ways than one!


Keelie said...

I am totally willing to give you my "plain jane" w&d for your front loaders. No problem.

Glad you are back and comfortable. You shoudl be able to jump in TWOC easily this week--its just about shopping.

klg0816 said...

Haha! The one cycle I'm a little more excited about than I need to be, I mean given I'm already hygenic, is the Sanitary cycle. The washer heats the water up to 140 degrees and then you put them in the dryer on the "Anti-bacterial" cycle. It's literally crazy, I never realized this was necessary but it's kinda neat.

As for TWOC, Im so excited to get back into it, I CANNOT wait for Christmas!

kcc said...

Glad you're back in Texas!