Saturday, October 24, 2009

Moving back to Texas....

I realize some are wondering why I'm moving back, so I must say first and foremost, everything is okay in my relationship. I'm not moving back because something went awry. Honestly, I'm moving back because it makes sense, financially. After SIX years, there's more to this relationship than just being "together" and, yes, it is important but we both know that, succeeding as a couple is important as well. So this decision is what will make us work...together. Although, neither of us can wait until that time comes that we're TOGETHER again. Alright so, there is/was an opportunity for me to get my job back at the veterinary hospital in Plano. It was something that, when I left, I never even anticipated being able or wanting to get my job back there. However, given that the only job I can find here in Wichita is retail, meaning I couldn't even be able to pay my car payment with it, Seam and I decided it would be best to go back. Some ask..."why even leave in the first place?" Well, the answer is simply, we didn't know how long we'd be in Wichita and we didn't know WHERE in Texas we'd be relocated to. So, we now know that it will be January and we'll be living in the Plano area anyway, so why not go ahead, get my job back and get things under some sort of control. There was an opportunity to get my job back that didn't exist, originally, when I left. When I saw this opportunity, Seam and I discussed it and, a week later, the decision was made. I will be moving back to Texas, get my old job back and we are now established IN THE CITY WE'D END UP. Follow me? LOL! Sorry, I'm trying to make sense of all this to you but it's difficult because, again, everyone wonders why I left in the first place. However, I know you'd do the same given a similar situation, so if you have questions, please ask! That's, afterall, the only way to explain this whole ordeal!


Keelie said...

I totally understand. Just so sorry you went through all that moving crap! Although it sounded like maybe you weren't all too happy with your apt. anyway. I'm glad everything seems to be falling into place. And I'm guessing Hero is happiest of all!

As for Wichita--you'll always have the memories...

kcc said...

I am really happy for you that you are moving back! If you decide to get a little farther north, you might try Saxonwoods or Amli at Stonebridge in McKinney.....

Several years ago when we thought we were going to need an apartment for a few months, that is where we liked best!