Thursday, October 1, 2009

Visual Art

I know a person I could get advice from about this course, however since the semester just began, I'll use her expertise at a later date lol. That being said, this is such a HARD class for me! Coming from an education in science, I realize this course is forcing me to use a different part of my brain and, ultimately, I feel I will benefit from that. However, right now...I've never felt more stupid. Actually, I've never thought a professor was such an idiot as I do right now, I know I'm just being defensive of my ignorance in the subject but still. Today, I had to submit a sketch of a "palace" that I live in somewhere. I had to include all these different types of architecture and visual art. It was interesting (idiotic) to say the least. I mean, I get it, I do. I need to open my head a little more, so to speak. I get it...really. So along with this sketch, I had to submit a 600 word essay explaining where it was, what it's made of, compare and contrast it to various other types of art/architecture in the specific chapter. So, I got my creative juices never said I had to be a "king" (or whatever) in a REAL place. So yeah, I became the king of Gravlia, a small island between Italy and Greece in the Mediterranean Sea, nice huh? My palace included a rotunda, Hall of Greatness, a library, funerary (?), courtyards and 3 obelisks. Of course there were also living quarters for the family. Hey, it kinda sounds like I might have learned something right? Ehh, you should see the sketch LMAO!!!!!!! Ok, so it's down below. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND...I only have white paper and ONE pen to work with, yeah no pencil. Again, this is all my fault, I mean c'mon, I knew what was coming but it never crossed my mind that when taking an ART class that I would need ART SUPPLIES! It's been a real "duh" moment. Hey, some would say it's a blonde moment...{TANGENT}well guess what, when I first moved here, I shaved my head, yup straight up buzz cut down with a 1 (if you know what that means)...OK, so the point hair is growing out dark brown LOL. Oh well.{END TANGENT} Moving is my lovely "palace" on the island of Gravlia....wouldn't you want to live there? Yeah me neither lol....

That's right folks, I had to scan my sketch and email it. I mean, how else would I get it to UNT when I'm here in Kansas? Fortunately, I have a scanner.

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