Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Weather lovely. Yes it's cold outside but I cannot help but love it. As we speak the temp is 37 degrees and the wind chill is 29. I'm currently sitting here listening to Christmas music, I know I'm crazy but, hey, this has truly been a great afternoon. I've begun some minor Christmas shopping via the internet while listening. Yes, I'm aware it's only October...who cares. Cup of cocoa in hand, Christmas shopping, cold weather, potato soup in the Crockpot and the music...nothin' says lovin' like Christmas. Ok, now back to reality, it's October and Halloween is coming up. I recently bought my nieces their costumes for trick or treating. Emma wanted to be Sleeping Beauty (I think I'm probably the proudest uncle on Earth...) and Brynlee will be a flower (she's so adorable!). I cannot wait to see them in their costumes...via pictures, afterall I am almost 400miles away. Can it get any better? Well I could have a job and that would make things a little better lol. Oh well, that's life.

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