Monday, June 29, 2009
Not to continuously harp on this whole moving ordeal BUT I HATE the fact we have no idea where yet! I mean this past weekend, I literally sat here in front of the computer and researched cities in those states I PRAY we don't move, simply to find a glimmer of a reason to be 'ok' moving there. Yeah it was a daunting task. As a matter of fact, one of the cities in OK, that has a store, literally has a population of 4500. Don't get me wrong, I know where I come from and I will NEVER deny that. However, I don't want to move somewhere like that for 6-10 mos. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to find a job! So I'm hoping beyond all hope that we'll be moving somewhere that is worthy of my affection...if that makes sense. When I say I want to move somewhere with nature, I suppose I should clarify. I realize there are nature preserves, trails, lakes, etc, etc, in every state/city/country locale. However, I want to live somewhere where the draw to THAT place IS the natural environment. In other words, I've always wanted to live somewhere that instead of seeking entertainment from the movies, shopping, a mall, a bar or other such place, I can explore the natural beauty of my surroundings as a fulfillment of those previously mentioned things. I know it doesn't make much sense since I'm not sure how to explain it. I guess I just want to see the natural world in it's own beauty without it being some homogenized replication of what it should a park with trails or a man-made lake. Ok, nevermind, I can't explain it lol. It must be said however, I need details about this job seriously, I NEED DETAILS!!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
It's official....
Yes the job has been offered and it has been accepted. For many of you following this blog and my Facebook, we have been wondering and waiting about this particular job for a while....literally 3 WEEKS! So finally today, we got word that it is "officially official". So now I can talk about it. I could have before but ya know, if I did, then it would be jinxed...yes I'm like that lol.
Almost 3 weeks ago Seam attended a management job fair for a company called ALDI. Many of you may have heard of this company in recent days on the news. It's a grocery store chain coming to the North Texas area. They actually have almost 1000 stores in the US already (it's a European company), all of which are in the Eastern US. While we've heard GREAT things about the company from employees regarding pay and benefits, we've only heard, well not necessarily negative but not great, things from customers. So, essentially it's a toss up and a big risk but an amazing opportunity. From what I've read, this store is essentially the equivalent to an IKEA of grocery stores. They have mostly private label products but they're all made from the major manufacturers, i.e. you can buy cheese there called Craft but it's made by Kraft...that sort of thing, not exact but you get the idea. So, after every interview he felt it was a bust but they kept calling him back, this past Monday he attended his 4th interview and was offered the job but it was conditional on a background check and drug test. Well I knew those would pass, so it was only a matter of time. The DETAILS, however, are still not quite there. I mean, we know what the pay is for training, we know they pay $400 additional for incidentals per month in training and we know they will pay for rent while in training. What we DO NOT know is WHERE the training is...since there is no store in TX yet, it will not be here but they claim it will be close to Texas. Ok, that's where the concern comes into play. I only say this because I refuse to live in Oklahoma or Kansas...ANYWHERE else and I'm ok. We don't even know if they will pay for moving expenses or current lease obligations...we just don't know. All I know is that I may be needing to find a new job in a different city soon, or if it's CLOSE (aka OK) then I'll have to get used to living alone for the time being. I mean, I honestly see no point in moving to somewhere 3 hours away and possibly losing my job because of it...right? So for now, those are the details...I just wish I knew more.....
Almost 3 weeks ago Seam attended a management job fair for a company called ALDI. Many of you may have heard of this company in recent days on the news. It's a grocery store chain coming to the North Texas area. They actually have almost 1000 stores in the US already (it's a European company), all of which are in the Eastern US. While we've heard GREAT things about the company from employees regarding pay and benefits, we've only heard, well not necessarily negative but not great, things from customers. So, essentially it's a toss up and a big risk but an amazing opportunity. From what I've read, this store is essentially the equivalent to an IKEA of grocery stores. They have mostly private label products but they're all made from the major manufacturers, i.e. you can buy cheese there called Craft but it's made by Kraft...that sort of thing, not exact but you get the idea. So, after every interview he felt it was a bust but they kept calling him back, this past Monday he attended his 4th interview and was offered the job but it was conditional on a background check and drug test. Well I knew those would pass, so it was only a matter of time. The DETAILS, however, are still not quite there. I mean, we know what the pay is for training, we know they pay $400 additional for incidentals per month in training and we know they will pay for rent while in training. What we DO NOT know is WHERE the training is...since there is no store in TX yet, it will not be here but they claim it will be close to Texas. Ok, that's where the concern comes into play. I only say this because I refuse to live in Oklahoma or Kansas...ANYWHERE else and I'm ok. We don't even know if they will pay for moving expenses or current lease obligations...we just don't know. All I know is that I may be needing to find a new job in a different city soon, or if it's CLOSE (aka OK) then I'll have to get used to living alone for the time being. I mean, I honestly see no point in moving to somewhere 3 hours away and possibly losing my job because of it...right? So for now, those are the details...I just wish I knew more.....
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The Gas Station...
Last night while out getting food for us, I had to stop and get gas at the Chevron near our place. I went inside and there at the counter was an apparently drunken West Plano "gentleman". I use that term lightly in this case given his current state HOWEVER he seemed to be the type that would normally be a fine upstanding citizen of the city making his large sums of money but had a bit too much fun last night. That being said, he wasn't causing a scene or anything, I could just tell he was drunk. I mean the guy was using the counter as a crutch to stand up straight. Ok so, this guy was barefoot, who walks into a convenience store BAREFOOT, I guess it didn't matter given what I saw. You see, this guy not only purchased a 6pk of Budweiser (just thinking about that beer makes me shudder) and 5 cans of Bandit snuff (or whatever it is), he also purchased scratch off lotto tickets. Ok no biggie, it's not an unusual thing to see a guy buying beer, nicotine and lotto tickets in Texas, it's not really even unusual that he was barefoot, I mean Texas has a reputation to uphold. THE BIG DEAL here was the total. This guy spent $500!!! I couldn't believe it, I looked at the register THREE TIMES...yep, $500 or my car payment, ya know nothing but 'a drop in the bucket' for a W Plano redneck. So he proceeded to stumble out the door and got into his $100K Mercedes...sped off, probably running a red light or something.
The moral of this story...if you ever see ME at a convenience store and my total is $500, you have my permission to slap the crap outta me! Hmmm, now I'm wondering if he won anything.
The moral of this story...if you ever see ME at a convenience store and my total is $500, you have my permission to slap the crap outta me! Hmmm, now I'm wondering if he won anything.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Should I see a doctor?
We played game #3 on Tuesday night against ION, we won 11-3...WOOHOO!!! However, I have yet ANOTHER injury...I think. See every game and every practice thus far, the same thing has occurred. As I swing the bat, the muscle/s just above my left hip and near the left side of my abdomen...pull. It hurts...everytime, but usually I can play through the pain because, let's face it, I may be the second oldest person on the team BUT I refuse to act that way. Well that night, on my third time to bat, I swung & hit the ball. However, it was different, I felt a "pop" in that same region and it got really warm, similar to if someone were to pour a cup of warm water on your stomach. However, it did not hurt as bad as usual. So, it kinda scared me because it was "different". As a matter of fact, as I ran to first base I was ONLY thinking of that, then I was told, "Um Kev, you were called out". How embarrassing but it wasn't until I got to the dugout and sat for a couple minutes before I asked why I was out, well the ball was caught in the outfield...I had no idea. Needless to say, I took myself out of the game and sat the bench. Later that night was a little painful, I had trouble sleeping until I took about 5 Ibuprofen. Then after every cough, sneeze, blow of the nose or weird movement there were SHARP pains. It's not quite as bad now but I still feel some pain, at times it's unexpected, not to mention that side of my abdomen feels a bit larger than the other. Anyway, I just don't want to be, you know, "one of those people" that see the doctor for every minor reason under the sun. Ugh, I'm just SICK of dealing with is and it's beginning to piss me off. I want to play dammit! Ok, I'm done now.
Job Update....
On interview kinda feels like we're being "strung along" at this point. I'm personally hoping there's not a 5th interview! I guess we'll know more on Monday. It's a great opportunity, hoping for the best but expecting the worst and the "worst" isn't so bad.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
What if I had to move...
As some of you know, there's a possibility I will be moving within the next 2 months. I mean moving FAR away. A job has come into our "picture" that will require relocation but ONLY for 6-10 months. This makes me nervous but it got me thinking...
It's certainly not the first time I planned to move away. We had almost everything ready to leave and move to Orlando, oh about 3+ years ago. Literally, I was down to pricing the Uhaul with car trailer before I DECIDED we should stay. I opted to stay because I saw my niece Emma walk for the first time. I decided I did NOT want to miss those "firsts", if you will. So we stayed and I've YET to regret staying. Of course that move was a permanent move. We are now talking a temporary move to somewhere we probably would never want to live.
This possibility, however, throws a wrench into everything. We are currently under a lease with our (stupid) apartment #1. Then, what about Hero (dog)? What about Lucy(cat)? Of course they would go as well but they've never been on a trip like this. What about my FREAKIN' JOB?!?! Don't get me wrong, there are days I'd love nothing more than to walk away BUT those are few and far between. I love the people I work with, they are my friends. I like our clients (most) and the pets (again most) but I could never expect them to hold my job until I get back, especially with what I am currently making money-wise! OK so, it just brings up a lot of questions. I mean my previous reservations (ie my niece NOW nieces) may never remember I was gone, we're talking 6-10mos. Of course, I will come home at some point during that time. What would I even do during that time? I could never expect to begin a "career". It's just a strange thought but, becoming a very real one. So, for now, I have to say this opportunity is, truly, an amazing if you pray, if you simply keep people in your thoughts or if you have some connection to this company (lol)...pray, think and put in a good word. As much hassle it may be at first, it will be worth it in the end...for us, for my nieces, for my family. So I'm hoping for the best, but if it doesn't come to pass then it was meant to be. At least that's the way I'm looking at it.
It's certainly not the first time I planned to move away. We had almost everything ready to leave and move to Orlando, oh about 3+ years ago. Literally, I was down to pricing the Uhaul with car trailer before I DECIDED we should stay. I opted to stay because I saw my niece Emma walk for the first time. I decided I did NOT want to miss those "firsts", if you will. So we stayed and I've YET to regret staying. Of course that move was a permanent move. We are now talking a temporary move to somewhere we probably would never want to live.
This possibility, however, throws a wrench into everything. We are currently under a lease with our (stupid) apartment #1. Then, what about Hero (dog)? What about Lucy(cat)? Of course they would go as well but they've never been on a trip like this. What about my FREAKIN' JOB?!?! Don't get me wrong, there are days I'd love nothing more than to walk away BUT those are few and far between. I love the people I work with, they are my friends. I like our clients (most) and the pets (again most) but I could never expect them to hold my job until I get back, especially with what I am currently making money-wise! OK so, it just brings up a lot of questions. I mean my previous reservations (ie my niece NOW nieces) may never remember I was gone, we're talking 6-10mos. Of course, I will come home at some point during that time. What would I even do during that time? I could never expect to begin a "career". It's just a strange thought but, becoming a very real one. So, for now, I have to say this opportunity is, truly, an amazing if you pray, if you simply keep people in your thoughts or if you have some connection to this company (lol)...pray, think and put in a good word. As much hassle it may be at first, it will be worth it in the end...for us, for my nieces, for my family. So I'm hoping for the best, but if it doesn't come to pass then it was meant to be. At least that's the way I'm looking at it.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Game Numero Dos
Ok, I know I didn't post anything about our first game, however, it should go without saying something WAY more important than some softball game came into my life that gorgeous niece Brynlee.
We had our second game last night against "The Dream Crushers"...what a bunch of douchebags! Alright maybe that's harsh but who cares, they literally think they are the best team ever. Since they're only the second best team in the league why not be a BIT more humble?!?! The pitcher makes me sick...literally. HOWEVER, their trash talk ONLY began once they realized we were better than they thought! Oh yeah, what now, WHAT NOW!?!?! Haha. We did really well I think. You see our first game we lost because the people did not want to swing the freakin' bat in the first inning. It was our first game and the first time our pitcher ever pitched. So they "run ruled" us in the first inning (5 runs) due to walks. The difference between that game and this most recent one, the team we played LOVED to hit the ball, WHICH is awesome...simply because we are great on defense! So yeah, we did great as a team in my opinion! I mean I, personally, got three outs and knocked the tying run in. HOWEVER, we would have, literally, won the game except for the stupid rules of Coed Recreational Softball in the City of Plano. Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, one of our teammates ran home TO THE WRONG HOME BASE! Everyone, altogether...OMG! Yes, he was counted as out and the person that ran home after him was forced to go back to third. It sucks but that's life. The score should have been 8-6...instead it was 6-6, something I can live with. The sad truth is, we will not be able to play this team again. Simply because, I believe, we are the newest team to the league and, therefore, are not scheduled to play the "veteran" teams twice. Yes, if you place first in your league then you must move on to the next, more competitive league. It makes sense BUT I wish we could play them just ONE more time. We are SO much better than they are!
We had our second game last night against "The Dream Crushers"...what a bunch of douchebags! Alright maybe that's harsh but who cares, they literally think they are the best team ever. Since they're only the second best team in the league why not be a BIT more humble?!?! The pitcher makes me sick...literally. HOWEVER, their trash talk ONLY began once they realized we were better than they thought! Oh yeah, what now, WHAT NOW!?!?! Haha. We did really well I think. You see our first game we lost because the people did not want to swing the freakin' bat in the first inning. It was our first game and the first time our pitcher ever pitched. So they "run ruled" us in the first inning (5 runs) due to walks. The difference between that game and this most recent one, the team we played LOVED to hit the ball, WHICH is awesome...simply because we are great on defense! So yeah, we did great as a team in my opinion! I mean I, personally, got three outs and knocked the tying run in. HOWEVER, we would have, literally, won the game except for the stupid rules of Coed Recreational Softball in the City of Plano. Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, one of our teammates ran home TO THE WRONG HOME BASE! Everyone, altogether...OMG! Yes, he was counted as out and the person that ran home after him was forced to go back to third. It sucks but that's life. The score should have been 8-6...instead it was 6-6, something I can live with. The sad truth is, we will not be able to play this team again. Simply because, I believe, we are the newest team to the league and, therefore, are not scheduled to play the "veteran" teams twice. Yes, if you place first in your league then you must move on to the next, more competitive league. It makes sense BUT I wish we could play them just ONE more time. We are SO much better than they are!
Monday, June 8, 2009
I became a member of Facebook a while ago because I knew a lot of people used it and I thought I'd check it out. Eventually everyone was moving from Myspace to Facebook and so I followed. I figured it was better to keep in touch with these people than to simply ignore, yet another, "networking" site. So Facebook became an addiction I suppose, still is really. However, the point I'm getting to is some people use it as a platform...people I'm "friends" with. These platforms are tedious, to say the least. For example, some decide they want to join a group that hates our president. I do not care what political party you follow, if it is our stand behind him/her. I may not have agreed with some of the policies/decisions from the past 8 years or even today, but I'll be damned if I don't stand behind my president. Now we have a president with some conservative views...ok, so now you join a group, on FACEBOOK no less, saying you're against them? Unfortunately that means you're against me...a person that considers himself a true American, for whatever that's worth.
And moving on...some people choose to voice their personal tribulations via their Facebook updates. I'm seriously not trying to be mean BUT perhaps said people need to rethink their motives. Not everyone is willing to lend a helping hand, especially people who no longer know you. I dunno perhaps professional help is necessary. Again, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just saying, if that's your need a reality check. It's getting old. Really old.
There are many other aspects that I take issue with but the two above are the biggest. I just feel that, if you're choosing to take a HARDCORE stance on something, do it outside of Facebook...I mean seriously, FACEBOOK?!?!?! It is far beyond me to speak against what people believe in, and I'm not referring to joining a group AGAINST animal abuse or a group AGAINST cancer. That being said, how these people choose to voice their opinion, especially when it's in my face, as it is on my Facebook page, it's a problem for me. This goes far beyond the above issues, I mean we're talking everything from religion to, honestly, straight out ignorance. Ok, I'm officially stepping off my soap box now. I would just delete my Facebook account but, as I said before, the addiction holds strong LOL.
And moving on...some people choose to voice their personal tribulations via their Facebook updates. I'm seriously not trying to be mean BUT perhaps said people need to rethink their motives. Not everyone is willing to lend a helping hand, especially people who no longer know you. I dunno perhaps professional help is necessary. Again, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just saying, if that's your need a reality check. It's getting old. Really old.
There are many other aspects that I take issue with but the two above are the biggest. I just feel that, if you're choosing to take a HARDCORE stance on something, do it outside of Facebook...I mean seriously, FACEBOOK?!?!?! It is far beyond me to speak against what people believe in, and I'm not referring to joining a group AGAINST animal abuse or a group AGAINST cancer. That being said, how these people choose to voice their opinion, especially when it's in my face, as it is on my Facebook page, it's a problem for me. This goes far beyond the above issues, I mean we're talking everything from religion to, honestly, straight out ignorance. Ok, I'm officially stepping off my soap box now. I would just delete my Facebook account but, as I said before, the addiction holds strong LOL.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
I went to Gunter today, unfortunately Seam had our camera in his car. I WISH I had it!! She is so beautiful and SUCH a GREAT baby! However, I am truly a wuss when it comes to infants, I never held Emma as an infant and I will not hold SERIOUSLY makes me nervous. Hell, it makes me nervous when other people hold her (and Emma back then), despite their experience!!! I know, I'm weird. Anyway, Brynlee and Emma have my heart...I love them both so much and am so proud of them!!! Ask any of my friends, I'm continuously showing pictures of them to anyone who will give me a chance LOL! Ok, done being mushy for the time being....
Catfish Plantation
So a group of us known as the "Wine & Spirits Club" get together every so often, well, simply because we all share in a fascination of the paranormal (I know, I know...whatever) and, of course, wine. We are not fanatics, it's nothing official and certainly not scientific. It's always a GREAT time and we had a recent outing to Waxahachie, basically just for dinner. Catfish Plantation is a restaurant that has been seen on the Travel Channel in an episode called Extreme: Restaurants as one the most haunted restaurants in the US AND I believe I went there way back in junior high as part of the Discovery program. We were looking forward to it to say the least, I mean who else would drive to Waxahachie JUST for a meal?!?!
Ok so, we get there and the house is beautiful. Oh, I forgot to mention the restaurant is in an old Victorian-style house. I'm a HUGE fan of these old homes, as a matter of fact, I wish I owned one. Alright moving on...we get there and finally get seated, it's just as you would imagine any Victorian style home, I believe we were seated in what would be known as the parlor. Upon entering the restaurant, I was overcome by a weird feeling (I didn't mention this to anyone). It literally felt like someone put their hands on my head and began squeezing...there was so much pressure, a headache was to come I could feel it. However, once we got seated, it went away...strange right? Ehh I dunno. Anyway the service was ok. I thought it was strange the waitress felt the need to "explain the menu", I mean seriously? Explaining a menu? Isn't it self explanatory? Whatever. Then she proceeded to tell us that their catfish is boneless....ok, good? Who eats fish full of bones? (Am I in a minority regarding this?) I, for one, wasn't EVEN considering eating the catfish, it's a disgusting bottom feeder that ALWAYS tastes fishy despite it, "not tasting fishy at all" according to our informative waitress.
Needless to say I did not opt for the fish, instead I ate stuffed crab. It was delicious, however I've been spoiled by the crab I had in San Francisco (hint, hint to a recent blog post).
Ok, I digress. This place was gorgeous, yes it's a restaurant full of fried food BUT there's something about a house that's over 100 years old full of antiques that pulls at my heart. Weird, I know. I think it's the sentiment, I mean you know that someone A LONG time ago loved their possessions just as much as you appreciate them NOW. Strange again, but I can't help it lol. So yeah, it was a fun experience. Nothing out of the ordinary really occurred. One guys butter knife "moved" but, who's to say that's something paranormal. I've yet to truly experience something paranormal...well except in Jefferson. That's a story for another day though.
So after our meal in Waxahachie, we headed to S4...again, a story for another day. HOWEVER for those who know what it's like in the Rose Room...we got picked on, HARDCORE. LOL!
Yet again, a great time was had by all!
Ok so, we get there and the house is beautiful. Oh, I forgot to mention the restaurant is in an old Victorian-style house. I'm a HUGE fan of these old homes, as a matter of fact, I wish I owned one. Alright moving on...we get there and finally get seated, it's just as you would imagine any Victorian style home, I believe we were seated in what would be known as the parlor. Upon entering the restaurant, I was overcome by a weird feeling (I didn't mention this to anyone). It literally felt like someone put their hands on my head and began squeezing...there was so much pressure, a headache was to come I could feel it. However, once we got seated, it went away...strange right? Ehh I dunno. Anyway the service was ok. I thought it was strange the waitress felt the need to "explain the menu", I mean seriously? Explaining a menu? Isn't it self explanatory? Whatever. Then she proceeded to tell us that their catfish is boneless....ok, good? Who eats fish full of bones? (Am I in a minority regarding this?) I, for one, wasn't EVEN considering eating the catfish, it's a disgusting bottom feeder that ALWAYS tastes fishy despite it, "not tasting fishy at all" according to our informative waitress.
Needless to say I did not opt for the fish, instead I ate stuffed crab. It was delicious, however I've been spoiled by the crab I had in San Francisco (hint, hint to a recent blog post).
Ok, I digress. This place was gorgeous, yes it's a restaurant full of fried food BUT there's something about a house that's over 100 years old full of antiques that pulls at my heart. Weird, I know. I think it's the sentiment, I mean you know that someone A LONG time ago loved their possessions just as much as you appreciate them NOW. Strange again, but I can't help it lol. So yeah, it was a fun experience. Nothing out of the ordinary really occurred. One guys butter knife "moved" but, who's to say that's something paranormal. I've yet to truly experience something paranormal...well except in Jefferson. That's a story for another day though.
So after our meal in Waxahachie, we headed to S4...again, a story for another day. HOWEVER for those who know what it's like in the Rose Room...we got picked on, HARDCORE. LOL!
Yet again, a great time was had by all!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
I recently read a blog post from a friend of mine regarding a city that she is passionate about. It gave me inspiration because I'd love to share with everyone the two places I'm passionate about. One destination I've only been to once but foresee MANY trips in the future. The other, let's just say...everyone will see it coming lol. So look for it in the very near future....
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Brynlee Dean 06/02/2009
I'm a day late in posting this but you have to understand just how TIRED I was yesterday afternoon. So here it is...

Brynlee was brought into this world at 7:55am, she was 7lbs 7oz, 18 inches long and has a head full of hair! I guess Kendra's continuous indigestion/heartburn was an indication of this (isn't that some ol' wives tale? ya know what I'm talking about). My official job was to take pictures of Emma as she saw Brynlee for the first time. First of all, prior to Brynlee's birth, she was overwhelmed with the whole situation but ECSTATIC about the elevator. She kept asking to get back on it. Mind you, this all took place at Wilson N. Jones Hospital, the elevator was a little scary to say the least. Finally, the time came when Brynlee was brought to the "window". Let me just say, for some reason, Emma became really bashful. It was almost as though she KNEW we all wanted to see her reaction and, therefore, the shyness began. However, after about an hour, she would not stop talking about her sister...she wanted to hold her, she wanted to give her a bottle to see if she may be "thirsty". She's going to be such an awesome big sister!
Brynlee looks just like Emma when she was born...from the cute little fat cheeks to the eyes to the hair. It's almost like she's a clone lol. At this point it should go without saying my sister only has gorgeous children so, of course, she's going to be quite a beauty. It's truly remarkable just how much love a person can feel for one person and while you can't imagine another addition to your family, another comes and when it happens, your heart just opens up and fills with that love.
Now I would love nothing more than to post pictures of the new addition to my family BUT, I will leave that for her mother to do. However, here are a couple of pictures of Emma waiting and then seeing her baby sister for the first time!

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