Monday, June 29, 2009


Not to continuously harp on this whole moving ordeal BUT I HATE the fact we have no idea where yet! I mean this past weekend, I literally sat here in front of the computer and researched cities in those states I PRAY we don't move, simply to find a glimmer of a reason to be 'ok' moving there. Yeah it was a daunting task. As a matter of fact, one of the cities in OK, that has a store, literally has a population of 4500. Don't get me wrong, I know where I come from and I will NEVER deny that. However, I don't want to move somewhere like that for 6-10 mos. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to find a job! So I'm hoping beyond all hope that we'll be moving somewhere that is worthy of my affection...if that makes sense. When I say I want to move somewhere with nature, I suppose I should clarify. I realize there are nature preserves, trails, lakes, etc, etc, in every state/city/country locale. However, I want to live somewhere where the draw to THAT place IS the natural environment. In other words, I've always wanted to live somewhere that instead of seeking entertainment from the movies, shopping, a mall, a bar or other such place, I can explore the natural beauty of my surroundings as a fulfillment of those previously mentioned things. I know it doesn't make much sense since I'm not sure how to explain it. I guess I just want to see the natural world in it's own beauty without it being some homogenized replication of what it should a park with trails or a man-made lake. Ok, nevermind, I can't explain it lol. It must be said however, I need details about this job seriously, I NEED DETAILS!!!

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