Sunday, July 26, 2009

The night of July 25th

So last night we had yet another Wine & Spirits gathering. I have to say, it was a nice time. It's also my last for a while given my move. For those that don't know what I'm talking about, we are basically a group of people with a similar interest that, well, have a get-together every so often just to have a good time. It's probably just an excuse to have a party, but that's ok. So last night, I had the opportunity to hang out with friends....real friends. See, since Seam is gone, things have been hard for me, I just sorta feel alone for the time being. So hanging out with some friends was nice.

As far as the party goes, we had a nice turn out. A lot of new people from work stopped by, which was a nice change of pace; however, were they not to come, it still would have been awesome. I think the point I'm trying to get at, but clumsily stalling is...I will really miss these people. They are my coworkers, my friends who know me for me and will stand by my side regardless. My wish is that by me leaving my job, things won't change too much. I only hope they know that I'll never be the same after having met them...nevermind being without them for 6 months. Mushy right? Well, it's true.

Ok moving on to more bitchy posts...

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