Saturday, August 29, 2009

A chapter closed...

Today was my last day at Windhaven Veterinary Hospital. I've enjoyed working there, for the most part, I mean despite petty office politics. I actually like most of our clients and I've gained some knowledge in the profession. I undoubtedly feel confident in helping my pet's live a longer, healthier life. That alone, to me, is priceless. However, something else happened at Windhaven. After the first couple of years there working diligently, always leaving everything behind at the end of the day and never really considering the people I work with as anything other than "work friends"...I feel I've made lasting friendships in the last couple of years. I'm not sure what took me so long and, while I regret not letting these people into my life earlier, I'm happy with what I've gained. In other words, people that love me for who I am and not what I pretend to be, that too, is priceless.

It's strange, I'm not quite convinced that I no longer work there, I suppose it will hit me in a couple of days. It's been difficult to say the least. I'm not just leaving a job behind, I'm leaving really, really great people and, most importanly, great friends. I realize we'll always be friends and I'm happy for that BUT I will no longer see these people everyday. We won't talk everyday. Maybe I'm being silly, just a little emotional I suppose. It's not as though I'm leaving one job for another, it's more than that...I'm moving far away from everything that is familiar. Hence, this chapter of my life being closed. Wichita, KS will never really be home, I'm sure I'll go through withdrawals lol, but home is where the heart is and I cannot stress it enough, my heart has been there since July 13th.

All this being said...more packing to do, more cleaning to do and NEVER enough time!


Taylor said...

awwww...i just had a baby so my hormones are all out of wack. i can no longer read you blog at work. your last few get me all teary eyed and everyone looks at me like i have post partum depression. good luck on your new journey!

klg0816 said...

Haha, I'm sorry! Look at it this way, now I'll be posting about my Kansas adventures lol.

Keelie said...

It really does take time to form meaningful relationships. I hope you are able to begin forming new ones quickly, but if not--"home" will do for 6 mos.