Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The dumpster is my friend...

Well, ok, it just feels that way today. I think I made 6 or 7 trips to the dumpster! I got rid of a lot of crapola BUT I'm only one person and I don't care how much I can carry at one time...it takes it's toll. I'm exhausted and I'm certain I will be sore tomorrow, which is ok, it means I did something...right? However, I feel like a dent has barely been made in what all I planned to do prior to this weekend. It's ok, I have a few days...at least that's what I keep telling myself. Damn you procrastination....


Keelie said...

hahahahahah! I second that sentiment

Taylor said...

Where exactly is that dumpster and has it been emptied yet? You might have thrown away something I need!

klg0816 said...

Haha...well Keelie, I figure I have until Tues to get everything packed so I have time lol.

Lindee...trust me, none of it would be of any use, well maybe only to the blindest of eyes lol.