Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Cave

I've begun affectionately referring to our "home" as the cave. Everyone knows that hotel rooms have those "blackout" curtains, well we've begun actually keeping them closed. It feels like a cave, literally. Well, ok, even more so since I insist on keeping the AC on 70 degrees, hey we're not paying for electricity, why not? I know I'm not alone on that since my sister even said she'd walk around with ear muffs...well, just because lol. So, the REASON we're keeping those curtains closed is twofold. First, they are doing some "remodeling" at the hotel and the storage unit that contains all the "supplies" (I guess) is parked...you guessed it, near our window. It's actually blocking our beautiful view of the adjacent car dealership's service lot...oh yeah. Anyway, people come and go and Hero loves to bark, so it's easier. Second....as they do remodels of the rooms above ours...yeah, they THROW things from the above windows, i.e. rolled up old carpet. At one point, I thought someone had committed suicide jumping from, ok, only the 3rd floor but still. So they're closed for Hero and myself. Without further ado, I've decided to show off (?) our home away from home for the next five months.

Please ignore the laundry baskets in the background and the organized chaos. As I've said before, storage is an issue. Oh and the leather recliner...it's always directly next to the bed. The reason: Hero. He wants up on the bed, so we had to come up with something since his front right elbow...well...it's made of pure gold, about $4k worth (Ok not really, it's fitted with titanium screws and plates...same diff). Besides it's cheaper than buying freakin' stairs for pets...those things cost around $70!! I can deal with the chair next to the bed, it will do. Tangent, I know, I apologize.

So this is my home for the next 5 months. I miss apartment living, in previous posts, I berated it...now I miss it. Funny how things work.


Keelie said...

Is that pretty typical for a company to put you up in a hotel for 6 mos? Or was that your decision? For some reason I thought that's where they put you. just never heard of it..

Well, it's pretty much what I pictured. Are you in there much? I would like you to share what your typical day's schedule consists of. I know, I'm nosey.

Keelie said...

like the new background and layout, BTW :)

kcc said...

I do believe that is bigger than the efficiency I had right off UNT campus years ago......but I didn't have an other half, dog, and cat living with me either....

klg0816 said...

Kim...yes it's a tight fit to say the least LOL!

Keelie...thanks for the comment about the background, OF COURSE I got the link for it from your sight. I finally decided to take some initiative and make it "my own" lol. As for my schedule, it's seriously boring, but will be divulged in a blog to come ;0).

klg0816 said...

As for the company, I don't know if it's typical for all companies BUT it is typical for this one. We did not choose to live here. As a matter of fact, I'm wondering why, I mean especially since it's costing them over $1K per month when I know an apt here is cheaper. However, it's furnished AND we don't pay for any utilities, cable or internet, so it has it's perks, albeit small, but it's nice.