Saturday, October 24, 2009

Moving back to Texas....

I realize some are wondering why I'm moving back, so I must say first and foremost, everything is okay in my relationship. I'm not moving back because something went awry. Honestly, I'm moving back because it makes sense, financially. After SIX years, there's more to this relationship than just being "together" and, yes, it is important but we both know that, succeeding as a couple is important as well. So this decision is what will make us work...together. Although, neither of us can wait until that time comes that we're TOGETHER again. Alright so, there is/was an opportunity for me to get my job back at the veterinary hospital in Plano. It was something that, when I left, I never even anticipated being able or wanting to get my job back there. However, given that the only job I can find here in Wichita is retail, meaning I couldn't even be able to pay my car payment with it, Seam and I decided it would be best to go back. Some ask..."why even leave in the first place?" Well, the answer is simply, we didn't know how long we'd be in Wichita and we didn't know WHERE in Texas we'd be relocated to. So, we now know that it will be January and we'll be living in the Plano area anyway, so why not go ahead, get my job back and get things under some sort of control. There was an opportunity to get my job back that didn't exist, originally, when I left. When I saw this opportunity, Seam and I discussed it and, a week later, the decision was made. I will be moving back to Texas, get my old job back and we are now established IN THE CITY WE'D END UP. Follow me? LOL! Sorry, I'm trying to make sense of all this to you but it's difficult because, again, everyone wonders why I left in the first place. However, I know you'd do the same given a similar situation, so if you have questions, please ask! That's, afterall, the only way to explain this whole ordeal!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My 30th Birthday...

Before our move to Kansas, I had intended on taking a nice vacation somewhere (ok, Disney) for about a week to celebrate my 30th. However, after having moved to Kansas and only receiving 2 1/2 days to celebrate, we did what we could and within decent driving distance. So Seam decided that it would be a great idea to go to Kansas City (wait for it...)to a casino (ulterior motive). That's right, a casino. I have no issues against gambling when I'm winning BUT when I'm losing, which is often the case, it's a bummer. I really didn't want to go to a casino for my birthday but I reluctantly agreed to this excursion. I was given the choice between two hotels, the Argosy and Ameristar. I chose the Argosy, the reason for which I will get to in a minute. We boarded Hero at a veterinary hospital here and left Sunday afternoon. The drive was strange, at first all I saw was nothing, barren fields with an occasional windmill. Eventually it started to shift because I began to notice the beauty of the plains, seriously the land itself is so empty, meaning no developments, no homes, no cattle, no nothing...just land and rolling hills. This is how it must've looked when Americans began expanding westward...that alone is almost surreal. We entered into an area called The Flint Hills, not a lot to see but the hills and trees are very picturesque. Eventually we made the 200 mile journey to Kansas City and safely arrived at the hotel.

At first glance, the hotel didn't seem that nice; however, upon entering, things quickly changed. It's a very beautiful hotel, the amenities are lovely. Yes, I said lovely. So getting to my reason for THIS hotel...the BATHROOM! Yes, I know, strange but true. Plus, we had a 42" plasma HDTV on the wall, beautiful furnishings, etc. Ok...the bathroom, well actually, just the shower LOL...a huge walk in shower made of marble with a glass door. It also included a mosaic on the side wall, however the most wonderful part...a rain shower head on the ceiling AND a regular shower was similar to being under a waterfall. Yes, I was excited about a shower...go ahead, laugh! LOL! Ok, so the rest of the hotel is just awesome as well. This place has 4 restaurants and one coffee shop, once we arrived we ate at the traditional casino buffet. It was actually a little different than any other buffet I've ever been to, I say that because they also had freshly made sushi AND Pho...pronounce Fa, although I say it like Fuh lol, it's a Vietnamese soup and if you've never had it TRY it, although I typically like Pho ga, which is chicken. Anyway, so the meal was good and no I didn't have Pho but it was a nice surprise. Then after a quick nap, we gambled and I lost $160 that night...I just kept telling myself, it's my birthday LOL!

The next day, my birthday, we set out to eat lunch at one of the restaurants featured on Diners, Drive Ins and was something I've always wanted to do, I know high aspirations. Mama's 39th Street Diner was our destination, we got there..."closed for maintenance"! Seriously?!?! So as we're headed to another restaurant from that show, Seam saw something on the iPhone about Arthur Bryant's BBQ, we opted to go there. I mean, afterall, I was told, when in Kansas City, "YOU. MUST. EAT. BARBECUE." So we did and it was delicious. Per a suggestion from Facebook, I ate a burnt ends open faced sandwich...AWESOME! After that we headed back to the hotel/casino. There was no cake or real celebration, just a night of alcohol and gambling. Of course, Seam doesn't drink so I was the one who drank 2 bottles of wine...yes TWO...hey, you only turn 30 once. Actually, had I been in TX and unable to vacation anywhere, I'd have drank much more except I'd be surrounded by friends and family. Ok, nevermind, even without alcohol I'd rather have been surrounded by friends and family than be at this casino. Sorry Seam. However, it was a nice little trip and very much appreciated!

On Tuesday, we got up, checked out of the hotel and headed back to Wichita. Along the way, we stopped at Perkin's. It's similar to IHOP, except they are also known for their pies. It was a nice ending. I know, not many would think eating at a place like that should be deemed a "nice ending" to a short vacation. However, let me explain. During my internship at Disney, we would often go to a Perkin's there, after work, to unwind and eat. I haven't been to a Perkin's since my internship ended in 2003, it brought back a lot of memories and made me miss THOSE people and THAT place even more. So, yes, it was nice.

So, here I am 30 years old, stuck in Wichita, KS for another 4 months. LOL, although, I must say, slowly but surely, I'm gaining a greater appreciation for the state of Kansas. I know, it's true.

Monday, October 12, 2009

TWOC: Christmas Memories

Christmas memories encompass many things. There are, literally, too many to choose from. However, I decided to share the ONE album that has been a part of EVERY Christmas since I can remember. Some of you may wonder, why this album? Well, let me just say it has touched and continues to touch so many emotions that it remains an integral part of mine and my family's holiday season.

The very first time I heard this album, I was very young. My parent's bought it (on cassette no less) because my Dad is a HUGE fan of Alabama. It was played. We got to the one song called, "Santa Claus (I Still Believe in You)." I remember my mom began bawling when it came to the one line..."Grandma and Grandpa, looking young and loving life cause they know their grandkids are gonna be alright." Mind you my mother had recently lost her be honest, I can't believe I remember that evening. However, that night resonates to this day. You ask any member of my immediate family about this album and they know, not only the words but the music as well. Seriously, ask my sister..."Who is Thistle Hair?" and she will promptly reply with, "The Christmas Bear"...almost without hesitation. This album seriously means a lot to me and my family. It's very true lol. It's a bit strange perhaps, but the same verse of the same song makes me just as teary-eyed as my mother after having also lost my grandfather, or more affectionately called Pappaw.

It's not just that one song though, it's all of them. I think I could, literally, sing ALL of them! You know they say certain sounds, smells, etc, can trigger a memory. It may be a little odd but this particular album is almost like looking through a scrapbook of memories when it's being played. It has definitely become a family tradition. I truly believe years from now, my family will continue to listen to this same Christmas album. I highly recommend it. Actually, I'm not even sure you can still buy it, I mean afterall it did come out in the late 80s...however, it's just not Christmas at our house without it!

For a little taste of it, listen to the following...TURN IT's a video from 1987, sorry I couldn't find any other way to post it. However, it's still great, just turn it up and listen closely lol!

The other album I listen to is Josh Groban's "Noel"....let me just say, "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear" and "Little Drummer Boy" are my favorites, along with the usual "O Holy Night". I must recommend this album as is so wonderful. Then again, it's one I sing to lol, so I hope it's as great to you as it is to me! Although living in a hotel this holiday season, I may just need to head out to my car to get the full effect LOL!

So I decided to post a little of "It Came Upon A Midnight Clear" sung by Josh Groban, unfortunately all I could find is an old video from Regis & Kelly's show...sorry. So here it is...

Once again, confused? Look here!!!

Twelve Weeks of Christmas

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Emma Lynn Brown...

is 4 years old today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA! Four years ago today, she came into our lives and stole my heart. My niece is such a precocious, lovable, sweet, vivacious little girl. I miss her and I hope she has an amazing birthday!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Weather lovely. Yes it's cold outside but I cannot help but love it. As we speak the temp is 37 degrees and the wind chill is 29. I'm currently sitting here listening to Christmas music, I know I'm crazy but, hey, this has truly been a great afternoon. I've begun some minor Christmas shopping via the internet while listening. Yes, I'm aware it's only October...who cares. Cup of cocoa in hand, Christmas shopping, cold weather, potato soup in the Crockpot and the music...nothin' says lovin' like Christmas. Ok, now back to reality, it's October and Halloween is coming up. I recently bought my nieces their costumes for trick or treating. Emma wanted to be Sleeping Beauty (I think I'm probably the proudest uncle on Earth...) and Brynlee will be a flower (she's so adorable!). I cannot wait to see them in their costumes...via pictures, afterall I am almost 400miles away. Can it get any better? Well I could have a job and that would make things a little better lol. Oh well, that's life.

Friday, October 9, 2009

A Hodgepodge of Posts

I've done it before and I'm doing it again. A week's worth of thoughts, incidents and insights all in one post. It's actually more about having something I want to blog about but feel it doesn't "warrant" an entire blog LOL. So here we go....

1. It's cold here and I love it. I realize it's some rogue Canadian air mass moving through the area but I love it. There's a "Special Weather Advisory" just released here in Kansas basically's gonna be super cold and this is just a taste of what's to come...I cannot wait! They even say there's a chance of freezing drizzle...what, in OCTOBER?!?! WOOHOO! I even had to go buy a coat specifically for this upcoming weather. Oh and we're having homemade potato soup tomorrow, complete with cornbread and a salad (possibly a sandwich per Seam). I can't wait to open my Peppermint Cocoa, I need a reason and this might be it.

2. I went to Walmart last night in preparation for #3 below. I went to checkout at the "self checkout". This woman and her young daughter come up to my little checkout area, so close we were basically sharing the same oxygen, it was uncomfortable and I let her know that via my side-eye glance. When I completed my transaction, I left my hand-held basket, why you ask? Because this woman was so close I'd have to invade HER personal space just to get it, let's face it, this is Kansas (no offense), she should have been on that website, you know the one to which I'm referring. Anyway, as I left she says, "Wow, you left your basket, how nice" which I reply, "Yes, I sure did." What I REALLY wanted to say was, "You were obviously so anxious to check out that I felt the LEAST you could do was put it away yourself." However, this is a Kansas woman at Walmart, I'm not sure what she's capable of...again, no offense. Damn, a picture needed to be taken for, well, that website.

3. Seam bought some "Halloween" box 'o cake for yours truly to bake. It took place today and was interesting. My first thought when he brought it home was..."What the heck?!?! I have a toaster oven!" Still, I attempted it. I purchased 2 square 8X8 disposable cake pans (of all things, Christmas themed)...mixed it up, baked it. Now I live is to learn and to "try" is to fail ONCE. Well...I tried. I must have overfilled one of the cake pans because it didn't turn out as planned (it was only filled HALFWAY, ugh). However, might I add, icing is the BEST cover up! So now I have two small cakes, one good, the other decent. We won't even eat it all. Again, I ask..."Why buy this?" Oh and incidentally he bought two tubes of "Halloween" cinnamon rolls as well. Also a container full of Halloween candy will NEVER get used. All this from a person who "doesn't eat sweets." Go figure.

4. I'm becoming increasingly fed up with the gentleman (term used loosely) staying across from us. He continuously let's his dog out the exit door...WITHOUT a leash, running freely. The dog's name is Rusty, he's an older lab. Ok, so the dog is behaved and does not run off. HOWEVER, I too have a dog and, while he's "behaved", he doesn't take kindly to this other dog running up to him and sniffing his no-no place...if you know what I'm sayin'. So, yeah, it's annoying.

5. My 30th birthday is a week from Monday. I'm okay with turning 30, I'm looking at it as a turning point, of sorts, in my life. By that, I mean, I need to get my "stuff" together, to put it lightly. I feel like I've spent my 20s doing a whole lot of not much, I mean especially since I have nothing really to show for it. I want to not only take better care of myself but live for a better life. All this being said, how do I celebrate? We're stuck in Kansas, there's nothing to see or do here. We currently live in a hotel and the last thing I want to do is go stay in another one lol...unless it's in Orlando, let me make myself clear lol. What to do? What to do? I might actually just ask for new tires...I know, exciting.

6. For those who may be beer drinkers, I became a "fan" of Shiner Bock beer on Facebook (I know, judging from my previous post regarding this, it's unbelievable lol). They recently released their "Holiday Cheer" version, I hope I can find it here in Wichita. While I don't drink beer THAT much, this one is a good one. It's made with peaches and pecans....soooo good. Anyway, just a thought LOL.

7. Speaking of Holiday Cheer, you may have seen my previous post regarding my special list for visiting Disney during the holidays. Well, they just released a new 4 nights/tickets at a Moderate/Deluxe resort, get 3 nights/tickets FREE or buy 5 nights/tickets at a Value resort, get 2 nights/tickets FREE. It cannot be beat and the best's AVAILABLE during those first two weeks of December I mentioned earlier! Alright, maybe I'm the only one excited about it and, the sad thing is, I'm still excited about it and won't be able to take advantage of it LOL! So anyway, if you can dream it, do it...that's what Disney's all about.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My "Grown Up" DISNEY Christmas List

That's right, and I'm sure you guessed, as a matter of fact some of you may have even rolled your eyes just now...jealousy is unbecoming...however this is my special list. Every year when I'm asked what I want for Christmas, I never have, what most consider, a "real" go to answer is, "A trip to Disney." Santa hasn't come up with it yet, guess he's a real penny pincher. So in honor of my annual request, here is a list of things I'd like to do/see while visiting Disney during the holidays. By the way, this list is not exhaustive, there is so much to see and do. Every corner you turn, it just keeps getting better. The decorations alone are a sight to see. No detail is missed, it's unbelievable.

My Disney Christmas
  • Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party
  • Experience "Holidays Around the World" at EPCOT
  • See the Lights of Winter
  • Tree Lighting at EPCOT--AWESOME!
  • Candlelight Processional
  • Get hot chocolate and gingerbread at the Liberty Inn's life-sized (sorta) gingerbread house
  • Osborne Family Spectacle of Lights
  • Hear Mickey read Twas The Night Before Christmas
  • Listen to carolers throughout the parks
  • Marvel at the extensive holiday decor, you just cannot imagine...amazing
  • Of course, EVERYTHING else you always do at WDW
Oh, I should also say, I'd never literally go over the actual Christmas holiday...the first two weeks of December are ideal. Just so you can visualize what it's like, here are a few pictures...beautiful right? I highly recommend it!

So in case you're wondering why the heck I'm making a Christmas list here in the beginning of October, then check out the 12 Weeks of Christmas over at Red Writing! Just click below....

Twelve Weeks of Christmas

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Visual Art

I know a person I could get advice from about this course, however since the semester just began, I'll use her expertise at a later date lol. That being said, this is such a HARD class for me! Coming from an education in science, I realize this course is forcing me to use a different part of my brain and, ultimately, I feel I will benefit from that. However, right now...I've never felt more stupid. Actually, I've never thought a professor was such an idiot as I do right now, I know I'm just being defensive of my ignorance in the subject but still. Today, I had to submit a sketch of a "palace" that I live in somewhere. I had to include all these different types of architecture and visual art. It was interesting (idiotic) to say the least. I mean, I get it, I do. I need to open my head a little more, so to speak. I get it...really. So along with this sketch, I had to submit a 600 word essay explaining where it was, what it's made of, compare and contrast it to various other types of art/architecture in the specific chapter. So, I got my creative juices never said I had to be a "king" (or whatever) in a REAL place. So yeah, I became the king of Gravlia, a small island between Italy and Greece in the Mediterranean Sea, nice huh? My palace included a rotunda, Hall of Greatness, a library, funerary (?), courtyards and 3 obelisks. Of course there were also living quarters for the family. Hey, it kinda sounds like I might have learned something right? Ehh, you should see the sketch LMAO!!!!!!! Ok, so it's down below. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND...I only have white paper and ONE pen to work with, yeah no pencil. Again, this is all my fault, I mean c'mon, I knew what was coming but it never crossed my mind that when taking an ART class that I would need ART SUPPLIES! It's been a real "duh" moment. Hey, some would say it's a blonde moment...{TANGENT}well guess what, when I first moved here, I shaved my head, yup straight up buzz cut down with a 1 (if you know what that means)...OK, so the point hair is growing out dark brown LOL. Oh well.{END TANGENT} Moving is my lovely "palace" on the island of Gravlia....wouldn't you want to live there? Yeah me neither lol....

That's right folks, I had to scan my sketch and email it. I mean, how else would I get it to UNT when I'm here in Kansas? Fortunately, I have a scanner.