Sunday, June 7, 2009

Catfish Plantation

So a group of us known as the "Wine & Spirits Club" get together every so often, well, simply because we all share in a fascination of the paranormal (I know, I know...whatever) and, of course, wine. We are not fanatics, it's nothing official and certainly not scientific. It's always a GREAT time and we had a recent outing to Waxahachie, basically just for dinner. Catfish Plantation is a restaurant that has been seen on the Travel Channel in an episode called Extreme: Restaurants as one the most haunted restaurants in the US AND I believe I went there way back in junior high as part of the Discovery program. We were looking forward to it to say the least, I mean who else would drive to Waxahachie JUST for a meal?!?!

Ok so, we get there and the house is beautiful. Oh, I forgot to mention the restaurant is in an old Victorian-style house. I'm a HUGE fan of these old homes, as a matter of fact, I wish I owned one. Alright moving on...we get there and finally get seated, it's just as you would imagine any Victorian style home, I believe we were seated in what would be known as the parlor. Upon entering the restaurant, I was overcome by a weird feeling (I didn't mention this to anyone). It literally felt like someone put their hands on my head and began squeezing...there was so much pressure, a headache was to come I could feel it. However, once we got seated, it went away...strange right? Ehh I dunno. Anyway the service was ok. I thought it was strange the waitress felt the need to "explain the menu", I mean seriously? Explaining a menu? Isn't it self explanatory? Whatever. Then she proceeded to tell us that their catfish is boneless....ok, good? Who eats fish full of bones? (Am I in a minority regarding this?) I, for one, wasn't EVEN considering eating the catfish, it's a disgusting bottom feeder that ALWAYS tastes fishy despite it, "not tasting fishy at all" according to our informative waitress.

Needless to say I did not opt for the fish, instead I ate stuffed crab. It was delicious, however I've been spoiled by the crab I had in San Francisco (hint, hint to a recent blog post).

Ok, I digress. This place was gorgeous, yes it's a restaurant full of fried food BUT there's something about a house that's over 100 years old full of antiques that pulls at my heart. Weird, I know. I think it's the sentiment, I mean you know that someone A LONG time ago loved their possessions just as much as you appreciate them NOW. Strange again, but I can't help it lol. So yeah, it was a fun experience. Nothing out of the ordinary really occurred. One guys butter knife "moved" but, who's to say that's something paranormal. I've yet to truly experience something paranormal...well except in Jefferson. That's a story for another day though.

So after our meal in Waxahachie, we headed to S4...again, a story for another day. HOWEVER for those who know what it's like in the Rose Room...we got picked on, HARDCORE. LOL!

Yet again, a great time was had by all!


Keelie said...

two things:
1. you HAVE to go to Savannah! It is a totally haunted place and has tons of great old homes to tour. Don't think they are Victorian though...some other period. Also--Paula Deen, that was enough for me.

2. Sometimes restaurants fry the WHOLE catfish and you have to pick all around the bones to eat it. Also, the bones in CF are really tiny and you are likely to run across one even in a fillet so they must take extra care to get all the bones out if they claim "no bones". Glad you enjoyed your shellfish.

klg0816 said...

Savannah is definitely on my list of places to go! Well mostly because of the atmosphere, the old southern charm and, of course, Paula Deen! The "haunted" thing is just a bonus haha. As for the fish, after I posted that I thought, of course they prepare fish with the bone in sometimes. It was one of those "DUH!" moments lol...oh well.