Monday, June 8, 2009


I became a member of Facebook a while ago because I knew a lot of people used it and I thought I'd check it out. Eventually everyone was moving from Myspace to Facebook and so I followed. I figured it was better to keep in touch with these people than to simply ignore, yet another, "networking" site. So Facebook became an addiction I suppose, still is really. However, the point I'm getting to is some people use it as a platform...people I'm "friends" with. These platforms are tedious, to say the least. For example, some decide they want to join a group that hates our president. I do not care what political party you follow, if it is our stand behind him/her. I may not have agreed with some of the policies/decisions from the past 8 years or even today, but I'll be damned if I don't stand behind my president. Now we have a president with some conservative views...ok, so now you join a group, on FACEBOOK no less, saying you're against them? Unfortunately that means you're against me...a person that considers himself a true American, for whatever that's worth.

And moving on...some people choose to voice their personal tribulations via their Facebook updates. I'm seriously not trying to be mean BUT perhaps said people need to rethink their motives. Not everyone is willing to lend a helping hand, especially people who no longer know you. I dunno perhaps professional help is necessary. Again, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just saying, if that's your need a reality check. It's getting old. Really old.

There are many other aspects that I take issue with but the two above are the biggest. I just feel that, if you're choosing to take a HARDCORE stance on something, do it outside of Facebook...I mean seriously, FACEBOOK?!?!?! It is far beyond me to speak against what people believe in, and I'm not referring to joining a group AGAINST animal abuse or a group AGAINST cancer. That being said, how these people choose to voice their opinion, especially when it's in my face, as it is on my Facebook page, it's a problem for me. This goes far beyond the above issues, I mean we're talking everything from religion to, honestly, straight out ignorance. Ok, I'm officially stepping off my soap box now. I would just delete my Facebook account but, as I said before, the addiction holds strong LOL.


Kendra said...

Ha. I love it!!

Keelie said...

So, I've been wanting to join a group that is "against groups" and become a fan of "not being a fan of things" but I'm not sure how.

Anyway, what does it mean if you join a "group"? Like if I join a group that is against child abuse...what does that mean? Aren't pretty much all people (besides child abusers, I guess) against child abuse? If I don't join the group does it mean I am FOR child abuse? For some reason it reminds me of those email forwards that say if you don't pass them to 20 people in 5 seconds it means you don't love Jesus, something bad will happen to you in an hour, and you will go to hell...DELETE

But you have to admit (and this is very mean) sometimes reading what people are willing to put out on the PUBLIC forum of facebook is kinda entertaining. Sad, but always shocking!

I can appreciate all of your points.Sorry, I guess I should have written my own blog post.

Keelie said...

Oh, and I began singing I'm Proud to Be an American in the middle of your post. just FYI

klg0816 said...

I agree that sometimes the things people choose to advocate or SHARE, as shocking or strange as they may be, are entertaining! I was not trying to say that it's stupid to do it, I mean I've even become a "fan" of something and joined a cause or two. I feel some of those things speak as to the type of person I am or have become. Whereas, others choose to join a group simply to make a statement or get a "rile" out of others. I mean 1,000,000 Against President Obama? Seriously? As much as you are for or against him, he's our president. Ehh I dunno, seems like I'm digging a hole LOL. Oh well, at least I don't need to let people know that I'm a "fan" of sleep or a "fan" of drinking water lol.

Keelie said...


"I just feel that, if you're choosing to take a HARDCORE stance on something, do it outside of Facebook...I mean seriously, FACEBOOK?!?!"

I like this sentence.Don't put it on facebook, just live it

klg0816 said...

Exactly =)