Saturday, June 20, 2009

Should I see a doctor?

We played game #3 on Tuesday night against ION, we won 11-3...WOOHOO!!! However, I have yet ANOTHER injury...I think. See every game and every practice thus far, the same thing has occurred. As I swing the bat, the muscle/s just above my left hip and near the left side of my abdomen...pull. It hurts...everytime, but usually I can play through the pain because, let's face it, I may be the second oldest person on the team BUT I refuse to act that way. Well that night, on my third time to bat, I swung & hit the ball. However, it was different, I felt a "pop" in that same region and it got really warm, similar to if someone were to pour a cup of warm water on your stomach. However, it did not hurt as bad as usual. So, it kinda scared me because it was "different". As a matter of fact, as I ran to first base I was ONLY thinking of that, then I was told, "Um Kev, you were called out". How embarrassing but it wasn't until I got to the dugout and sat for a couple minutes before I asked why I was out, well the ball was caught in the outfield...I had no idea. Needless to say, I took myself out of the game and sat the bench. Later that night was a little painful, I had trouble sleeping until I took about 5 Ibuprofen. Then after every cough, sneeze, blow of the nose or weird movement there were SHARP pains. It's not quite as bad now but I still feel some pain, at times it's unexpected, not to mention that side of my abdomen feels a bit larger than the other. Anyway, I just don't want to be, you know, "one of those people" that see the doctor for every minor reason under the sun. Ugh, I'm just SICK of dealing with is and it's beginning to piss me off. I want to play dammit! Ok, I'm done now.


Keelie said...

Uh, yeah I think you need to see a doctor. That doesn't sound minor to me. Sorry you aren't getting to play!

klg0816 said...

Yeah, I'm thinking I need to see a doc as well...but I'm, what I call, half and half...half too chicken (I can admit it) and half thinking it's not necessary. I dunno, it's it feels SORE almost, not like a pulled muscle that's recovering but more like, I dunno...something different. This did, afterall, occur this past Tues! lol