Thursday, September 3, 2009

Wichita, KS

Well we finally made it, albeit on Tuesday...sorry I'm just now getting around to blogging about it lol. So after a few mishaps along the way, well one major mishap, we got here safe and sound. Hero is adjusting, I think, and Lucy, well she's still in hiding. Although she does come out at night, only to wake me up for, what I assume she thinks of as..."Me(ow) time".

Just about everything is unpacked, the things that are left are things we need more space for, I just didn't feel like dealing with it today. My computer is up and running, the wi-fi is connected for Seam's laptop AND Tivo, as we speak, is downloading the channel information (finger's crossed). Some normalcy seems to be seeping into life in Wichita and it's only Day 3, it's a little encouraging. Now I just need to adjust to cooking in a "kitchenette" with no real oven. Hello crockpot and toaster oven, you will be my friends for the next several months. (I even saved a website for a Thanksgiving dinner via toaster over...yeah, can you imagine? lol)

Oh did I mention that this hotel is within a mile of the airport? Yeah, it's not so bad inside, I mean you can hear the planes but it's nothing terribly bad. However, if you are outside and you see a plane coming in for a landing, you literally feel the need to duck and cry. It's serious when you can actually see the plane's to come. The company has offered to move us to a different place due to the area (which isn't really bad, just old) and the airport; however, given that the new location would cause us to do more highway driving, we opted to stay in this location. The reason: Winter....I know I can't drive if it's icy and even LESS so if it's on a highway.

More to come...

1 comment:

Keelie said...

there is a blog called a year of crock pot cooking...I think Lindee follows it--you should too.

Glad you are safe and sound. Can't wait to hear about the many wonders of Wichita.