Friday, October 9, 2009

A Hodgepodge of Posts

I've done it before and I'm doing it again. A week's worth of thoughts, incidents and insights all in one post. It's actually more about having something I want to blog about but feel it doesn't "warrant" an entire blog LOL. So here we go....

1. It's cold here and I love it. I realize it's some rogue Canadian air mass moving through the area but I love it. There's a "Special Weather Advisory" just released here in Kansas basically's gonna be super cold and this is just a taste of what's to come...I cannot wait! They even say there's a chance of freezing drizzle...what, in OCTOBER?!?! WOOHOO! I even had to go buy a coat specifically for this upcoming weather. Oh and we're having homemade potato soup tomorrow, complete with cornbread and a salad (possibly a sandwich per Seam). I can't wait to open my Peppermint Cocoa, I need a reason and this might be it.

2. I went to Walmart last night in preparation for #3 below. I went to checkout at the "self checkout". This woman and her young daughter come up to my little checkout area, so close we were basically sharing the same oxygen, it was uncomfortable and I let her know that via my side-eye glance. When I completed my transaction, I left my hand-held basket, why you ask? Because this woman was so close I'd have to invade HER personal space just to get it, let's face it, this is Kansas (no offense), she should have been on that website, you know the one to which I'm referring. Anyway, as I left she says, "Wow, you left your basket, how nice" which I reply, "Yes, I sure did." What I REALLY wanted to say was, "You were obviously so anxious to check out that I felt the LEAST you could do was put it away yourself." However, this is a Kansas woman at Walmart, I'm not sure what she's capable of...again, no offense. Damn, a picture needed to be taken for, well, that website.

3. Seam bought some "Halloween" box 'o cake for yours truly to bake. It took place today and was interesting. My first thought when he brought it home was..."What the heck?!?! I have a toaster oven!" Still, I attempted it. I purchased 2 square 8X8 disposable cake pans (of all things, Christmas themed)...mixed it up, baked it. Now I live is to learn and to "try" is to fail ONCE. Well...I tried. I must have overfilled one of the cake pans because it didn't turn out as planned (it was only filled HALFWAY, ugh). However, might I add, icing is the BEST cover up! So now I have two small cakes, one good, the other decent. We won't even eat it all. Again, I ask..."Why buy this?" Oh and incidentally he bought two tubes of "Halloween" cinnamon rolls as well. Also a container full of Halloween candy will NEVER get used. All this from a person who "doesn't eat sweets." Go figure.

4. I'm becoming increasingly fed up with the gentleman (term used loosely) staying across from us. He continuously let's his dog out the exit door...WITHOUT a leash, running freely. The dog's name is Rusty, he's an older lab. Ok, so the dog is behaved and does not run off. HOWEVER, I too have a dog and, while he's "behaved", he doesn't take kindly to this other dog running up to him and sniffing his no-no place...if you know what I'm sayin'. So, yeah, it's annoying.

5. My 30th birthday is a week from Monday. I'm okay with turning 30, I'm looking at it as a turning point, of sorts, in my life. By that, I mean, I need to get my "stuff" together, to put it lightly. I feel like I've spent my 20s doing a whole lot of not much, I mean especially since I have nothing really to show for it. I want to not only take better care of myself but live for a better life. All this being said, how do I celebrate? We're stuck in Kansas, there's nothing to see or do here. We currently live in a hotel and the last thing I want to do is go stay in another one lol...unless it's in Orlando, let me make myself clear lol. What to do? What to do? I might actually just ask for new tires...I know, exciting.

6. For those who may be beer drinkers, I became a "fan" of Shiner Bock beer on Facebook (I know, judging from my previous post regarding this, it's unbelievable lol). They recently released their "Holiday Cheer" version, I hope I can find it here in Wichita. While I don't drink beer THAT much, this one is a good one. It's made with peaches and pecans....soooo good. Anyway, just a thought LOL.

7. Speaking of Holiday Cheer, you may have seen my previous post regarding my special list for visiting Disney during the holidays. Well, they just released a new 4 nights/tickets at a Moderate/Deluxe resort, get 3 nights/tickets FREE or buy 5 nights/tickets at a Value resort, get 2 nights/tickets FREE. It cannot be beat and the best's AVAILABLE during those first two weeks of December I mentioned earlier! Alright, maybe I'm the only one excited about it and, the sad thing is, I'm still excited about it and won't be able to take advantage of it LOL! So anyway, if you can dream it, do it...that's what Disney's all about.


Keelie said...

Hmm. Beer made from peaches and pecans? Now that I might be able to swallow..

You just need to teach Hero to stay away from any dog who tries to get to his nono place.

And I think the statement that you have nothing to show for yoru 20s (paraphrased) is being a little harsh. Are you happy?seems that way to me.

Why you gonna go complain about someone bringing sweets home?

Sometimes I feel like your blogmom.

klg0816 said...

LOL, no sometimes I just feel like I haven't accomplished enough personally than I had planned and/or want. I just feel like I'm waiting for something...."bigger" if that makes sense. As for everything else, I'm absolutely happy. As for the sweets, no REAL complaints, just takes a little tweaking to get things the way they need to be. As for being my "blogmom"...I'm thankful for that. Truly.

klg0816 said...

By the way, I hope that's not a bad thing HAHA!

Taylor said...

Someone dosen't eat sweets? I didn't even know that could exist...