Monday, April 26, 2010


Now I'm not one that has ever really enjoyed concerts. I mean sure I've seen a few and based my judgements solely on those. However, I'm not a fan of crowds, especially those full of teenagers. I actually have a real issue with teenagers, but that's another story. You see, I hate that feeling of having to "compete" to see the person I've paid good money to see. Does that make any sense? lol. So, if I cannot get good, and I mean GOOD seats, then it's really not worth it in my opinion. That being said, Seam was hell bent on going to see Lady Gaga this Summer. So concert #1, July 22nd, we tried the presale for Citi card holders, no such luck...actually a bad experience for Seam, so we won't talk about it. Then we tried the General Public sale, no luck a matter of fact the tickets sold out within minutes. (Probably due to those ticket hounds that buy 100 at a time...assholes, another peeve) So, luckily, we found out that she is putting on another show because of the demand, so FORTUNATELY for HIM...we got tickets, lower level to see Lady Gaga in July. I know he's pumped, I'll live. I do like some of her music and I'm certain she puts on a good show, so we'll see.

NOW for the AWESOME news!!!! Thankfully, due to the same source that let us know about Gaga's second show, I found out when Carrie Underwood's tickets went on sale. Yes, I was determined. So, the presale was for "Fan Club Members" only, couldn't find a password to save my life. SO, they offered a deal where if you BECOME a member of the fan club AND buy tickets, you could take advantage of the presale. HELL YEAH! We got FLOOR seats for CARRIE FRICKIN' UNDERWOOD!!! So, yeah, needless to back is a bitch. I'll see Lady Gaga so I can see Carrie from EVEN better seats! LOL Oh, I forgot, I'm not a fan of concerts...yeah about that.... =)

The Holocaust

Yeah, I realize the title of this blog alone is a bummer but I've been putting off blogging about this long enough for fear of possibly hurting someone's feelings. However, since I've not spoken to this person in well over 15 years, I think it's ok. Recently on Facebook, someone posted how they've been reading on the Holocaust after a recent trip to the Middle East. Ok, so then this person goes on to say..."I didn't realize just how bad things were in that time period." Alright, for starters, there was a World War going on, that's bad enough BUT the fact that thousands were subject to genocide, not only including those of Jewish faith, but countless others makes it FAR worse. I would understand if you grew up in the jungle like Mowgli and had no idea, I'd understand if you were an impoverished child growing up in a third world country, I might even understand if you were mentally disabled...but you're not. Hence, my distinct reply...shame on you. However, I will give you the benefit of a doubt BECAUSE perhaps you were referring to something else regarding that time period, something obscure or not available via a standard history textbook, numerous novels including Anne Franke, the movie industry including Schindler's List...maybe, just maybe, it was something different. Regardless, your post reflected ignorance and I felt sorry for you. I think it's imperative for everyone to understand history, to know what ACTUALLY took place in order for the human race to evolve beyond arrogance, ignorance and disdain. Sure, that's something unattainable, heck we can't even attain that in our own country but if we don't try, then all those that perished before us, died in vain.

Just a note: This is obviously an attempt to get my opinion out following said post on Facebook. Should this person be referring to something completely different, I apologize but hope others will reflect upon this message. Afterall, the internet can only tell a person so much and I was simply describing my feelings when reading what was written. If I am correct in this ignorance, then again...shame on you...BUT congratulations on enlightening yourself to that severe stain in the pages of history.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


As many of you know, I decided to go back to school last year and I'm currently completing my second semester. The bad thing about this is, I went into it not really knowing what I want to do. I've always had that question for myself, even while completing the degree I currently hold...what do I really want to do? I cannot say I've come to any real conclusion, it's as though there are numerous things I wanted to do, all of which require lots of school. So, I felt then, and feel now, almost defeated. However, one thing I've always viewed as a "dream job" is travel writing. Will I ever be able to access such a career? Perhaps not. That being said, I have decided to enter into the field of journalism. If there is one thing I've almost always felt confident in, it's writing. Now, some of you will probably start judging my blog posts...please don't, most of it is a combination of abstract thought, bitching and a touch of sentimentality. Yeah, I know...brilliance. I'm kidding, really I am. So, yeah...journalism. Now, according to UNT guidelines, I must take the GSP test before even being able to enroll in the ONE class that's required for journalism students...News Writing! Seriously, don't they know I won first place in UIL News Writing back when I was a sophomore in high school?!?!?! I'm kidding...kinda lol. So I have to take this "Grammar-Spelling-Punctuation" test and I'm hoping to take it this summer, if not before. I'm not saying I'm the best at this stuff, but I know it irritates the heck out of me when I see people using Grammar-Spelling-Punctuation incorrectly...who knows, could be a good thing right? Ehh, we'll see. Basically I enjoy writing, always have. I even started writing a book when I was 13, it was about a group of seniors that get lost in the rain forest on their senior trip. Yeah, it sounds like a massive B-movie, but I digress. I even have a story I wrote in the 6th grade that I'm still proud of, so maybe that says something? Heh, yeah I don't know either. Who knows what the future holds but, I do know, it's full of choices.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Fascinating video

I recently came across this video. It's said to be one of the first 35mm videos taken and this one was strapped to the front of a cable car in San Francisco. The Youtube video says 1905, but it is now believed to be from 1906 and just 4 days before the infamous San Francisco earthquake. Take a look...

Yeah, I realize it's just a video of a street and it's something many may find boring or the like. However, for me, it's an absolute fascination. Why? Well for starters, I am able to ACTUALLY see a glimpse into the past. I mean we're talking over a CENTURY ago. To me, that's simply amazing. This is no movie set, these are real people, real cars, real horse drawn carriages. Some of these buildings made it through that earthquake but I'm certain many of these people did not. There's really not much more I can say about it, I'm simply amazed.

In case you're wondering what it looks like today, take a look at the video below...