Monday, May 31, 2010


Are you familiar with that sentiment? If not, it stands for F*** My Life. Yeah, that's how I'm feeling at this moment. I got a text close to 10:30 tonight from a friend that I work with letting me know that her grandfather was on his deathbed and would not be making it through the night. I felt compassion and sympathy for her immediately. Then I received a text asking if I could work for her tomorrow from both my manager and her. The usual answer would be...YES, without a doubt, I'd hope the same from those I consider both friends and coworkers. However, I already have so much planned and scheduled for tomorrow and this was completely late notice. Yes, I understand tragedy strikes at any time and what I'm saying, in no way, is directed towards the loss of her grandfather. My point in the matter is this...I feel extremely guilty for continuing to make use of a day I am supposed to be off work. Sure, were I to be sitting on my ass watching TV or playing a round of golf or the like, I would certainly drop those things and go to work. It's who I am, it's what I do. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm probably declining going to work tomorow for similar frivolous reasons BUT I've already rescheduled these things a couple of times and, without a doubt, in the end, it WILL cost me money if they don't take place. Just ONE example, my car was due for a 90 day service April 18th and it's yet to be done...just one of the things I plan on doing tomorrow. Again, it's probably not on that certain level of "importance" BUT it IS my day off AND I have things planned, so why do I still feel guilty???? FML.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Westboro Baptist Church

I suppose this is nothing new to most people, I'm certain most American's have heard news stories regarding Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) and Fred Phelps, and if you haven't, I apologize in advance for bringing such hatred to light. That being said, I ran across a news article today regarding WBC's plan to picket the memorial service of rocker Ronnie James Dio. They plan to picket this service because they believe Dio worshipped Satan. Apparently, according to CNN:

"Charges of devil-worshipping have often been leveled against heavy metal music. Dio, in particular, was a favorite target. He popularized the "devil's horn" gesture, where the index and the little fingers are upright and the thumb is clasped against the two middle fingers. He has said he was taught by the sign by his superstitious Italian grandmother as a way to ward off the "evil eye." But many fundamentalist Christians have taken issue with the gesture, alleging that it is a tribute to the devil."

Ok, so this is extremism right? Are we on the same page? How about we move on from this ONE example. This group is also known for picketing soldier's funerals and complete intolerance of homosexuals. So, since there are three sides to every story...mine, yours and the truth...I took it upon myself to set my prejudice, bias, own personal hatred aside and look at their website, primarily to get some idea as to their philosophy for their actions. Unfortunately, the website has not been available all day (a bad sign? or good?) and I, personally, REFUSE to type the actual address into the browser because the website address alone is incredibly offensive to me. So since I can't see the "other" side of the story and take an honest, informed approach to my opinion, I'll continue on my rampage against this so called church. I call it a rampage because everything I've seen, read and heard causes my blood to boil. I don't even see how they can tout themselves as "religion", sure some of their viewpoints may slightly coincide with other religions; however, the difference is, they make everything public and ridiculous while other religions may or may not speak about it within their own "house". Sure, maybe it's no better but at least I don't have to hear about it or see it on the news and it's definitely NOT as extreme. I mean even the most religious people I know would never picket a soldier's funeral or picket with signs exclaiming, "GOD HATES FAGS", at least I hope not. However, the most disturbing thing about this church is, the apparent brainwashing of the children. It's like a continuous cycle of hate and while I'm neither religious nor claim to have even a decent grasp of Christianity (meaning the Bible), I know that hatred is not the goal. Oh and speaking of picketing a soldier's funeral, how dare they? HOW DARE THEY?!?! They are basically spitting in the face of those who protect this country and thereby PROTECT their ability to spew such hatred via Freedom of Speech aka the First Amendment. Although, as long as I'm on the subject, I really don't think their propaganda should be considered "Free Speech" but that's just me.

The very thoughts, ideas, irrational behavior and disprespectful ignorance exhaled from every breath of this cultish-"church" is a devastating blow to humanity. As a people, we can never evolve as long as there are those choosing and educating the youth to hate, not only their fellow man, but the country in which they live. It's sad, it's pathetic and I truly feel sorry for them. Were they to truly be the gateway to Heaven, I'm happy to be in hell.

Take a look at this video, if you can/want to. I just cannot believe it, although the host of the show does a great job reflecting a lot of what I feel lol.

**Disclaimer: It is not my intent to offend anyone by this post, well except those member's of WBC. If something I've said offends those of you, who are not members of WBC, then I apologize. However, I would like to hear your viewpoints.


As many of you know, there's a huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico...and it's yet to be stopped. According to all news reports BP is working diligently to get it contained, however, every effort thus far has been an effort in futility. It seems the US is now experiencing the worst environmental disaster in HISTORY! The sad thing is, we've yet to see the true effects of this disaster and, maybe we won't, maybe I'm just thinking the worst. However, here are a few's estimated that 798,000 gallons of oil are being leaked into the Gulf of Mexico daily, which means since it began....roughly more than 25,536,000 gallons or 608,000 barrels are NOW in the Gulf. It is larger than the Exxon Valdez disaster in 1989. It's been more than 20 years since that happened and Prince William Sound is still recovering. I find it troubling that, in my lifetime, I've seen two horrific oil-related disasters. At what cost are we willing to continue to find oil? Now, don't get me wrong, I love my gas guzzling car (may be hypocritical but it's true) and I'm far from a tree hugger, but it only takes a smidgen of common sense to understand the effects oil was/is/will be having on nature. The current catastrophe, in the Gulf, is a ticking time bomb. Slowly we are beginning to see the effects, but just how much damage has it yet to inflict? It's unfathomable.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Sometimes I've wondered, through this blog journey, if people think I have a lot of pent up anger. There are times that I've looked back and a lot of what I say is ranting, bitching, it makes me wonder, do you think I'm just an angry person?

I will say this, there are numerous upon numerous things that irritate the crap out of me and I use this as a medium to vent those frustrations. At times, I've thought, why not have a light, airy, "we are the world"-type post...the problem is, the few times I've actually posted something like that, it comes across, at least to me, as...well...corny. I mean, I'd post more about my nieces or Disney or my dogs or my relationship, but I'd just be bragging and/or gushing lol. (My nieces are kinda off limits in this forum, for the most part, because the sheer pride and joy they bring me is immeasurable. See? Corny)

So basically, I apologize, but sometimes being bitchy is just how I feel and, that my friends, is why I continue to blog! So, to answer the question at hand, I'm not an angry person, I just want to share my cynical view of the world with's true. It's a bit ironic though, because I'm neither sneering nor pessimistic...I'm just me.

Oh and as for my nieces and family, Disney, my dogs or my relationship...let's just say...I'm continuously fumbling for words to describe just how happy they make me. I am sincerely blessed and truly thankful...I won the lottery of life and I'm well aware of that.

A comment

While at work this afternoon, a client came in to buy some heartworm protection for her pets. She was, of course, on her cell phone, which I find rude, but that's just me. So, she's having this conversation, rather loudly, in the lobby, so no one can help but to listen to what she says.

As an aside, this client is known for being rude, a bit uncooth, snobby and is married to an "ambulance chaser". (Yeah I'm passing judgement...touche)

Moving on, she's on the phone and says this, "Well you know our school has been downgraded from Recognized to Under Performing (or something similar). Mmm hmm, yeah, it's because of all those African American kids." I think at that moment, my eyes must've become red. Fortunately I was not helping her, or she'd, at the very least, be overcharged. Now, I was informed that the state does clump test scores based on ethnicity and that can affect the overall "grade" of said school, I'm not really sure and it doesn't matter truthfully. My point is this, why on EARTH, would you say something like that at all, much less within ear shot of anyone you don't know? Regardless of the validity of test scores and the state and your school's grades...someone will be offended! I mean it's not like she said something to the effect of, "I hate ice cream and that's why people are fat!" Nope, the aforementioned comment can obviously be misconstrued as racist, assuming she was referring to the state's performance guidelines or whatever. That being said, I don't care who you are...THINK before you speak! Granted people get irritated with being "politically correct" but welcome to the world you live in. I even walk a fine line between political correctness and my reality sometimes, I mean we're only human right? I, however, have enough sense to know what I'm saying and to whom. It's funny how one COMMENT can make a person completely disgusting to another.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Black Sheep

I recently came across some commentary that amused me. It amuses me because it's a perfect example of something I find to be a pet peeve. There are a great number of people out there that seem to have some form of aversion towards "conformity". This opposition is apparently directed to any and all forms of societal trends, whether it be clothing, music or, hey, a commercial. The issue I take is this...just because you don't watch television, you only read certain books or listen to certain music, take solace in the lyrics of some obscure artist, find comfort in random art or choose to have your "own" sense of style...that DOES NOT make you any more "enlightened" than myself. You are your own person, congratulations, so am I. In other words, just because you don't like the television shows I'm a fan of or like the music I choose to listen to, you are none the wiser. I do not make myself out to be more than I am, unlike many of these so-called non-conformists, seems like it's a personal issue. Of course, I'm not suggesting anyone SHOULD like television or a particular author, etc, I'm just saying that I don't choose to like something because the "masses" like it, I choose it for myself...but thanks for playing. Do I sound bitter? I might be. I remember once when someone actually had the audacity to say, to my face no less, that if people like Disney, they are response, "Just because you've never been, doesn't give you the right to hate on me." Sure, it was a juvenile response, as if I was better than this person because I had been to Walt Disney World, but still, why is it that animated tales of magic for children are suddenly ridiculed because it has a history in our society? I for one think it's spectacular, why you ask? It is because it helps children to use their imagination instead of their imagination being inhibited by those either providing a continuous stream of stimuli or telling them that having an imagination is a there. Walt Disney is quoted as saying, "The era we are living in today is a dream coming true" it actually speaks the truth right? I know, that was a bit of a rant, I'll step off that soap box and back on the other LOL. Basically all I'm saying is this, and I'm well aware I've said it before but here be a "non-conformist" means you are conforming to something. Afterall, were you to say "conforming" Americans are all sheep, I will just say...a BLACK sheep is STILL a part of the herd. Like it or leave it.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Simply Amazing

Some of you may know we had a "photo shoot" of my nieces yesterday. Jessica Claytor was the photographer and, judging by these preview pictures, she has done it once again. I've seen her work before from various friends on Facebook, so one day I decided, "Why not get some pictures of my beautiful nieces!". This is the outcome and, I must say, I am ecstatic. I love these pictures. She is an amazing photographer and does such a wonderful job working with kids! I was unable to attend the photo shoot due to work but heard nothing but absolute RAVE reviews from my mom and sister. I'm so happy, I can't wait to have the pictures blown up and framed to hang in my living room...awesome, just awesome! If you want her contact info, let me know. She's extremely talented and, quite simply, amazing.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Is it just me?

While I understand people's fascination with the weather, it's bewildering me at the moment. Sure, it's "beautiful" outside (I personally just think it's miserable lol) but this is SPRING in North Texas and we've yet to see any kind of real thunderstorm and given the date, it's a bit disturbing. Oh and please stop thinking, "Oh Kevin, you'll jinx us!" because that's just silly, unless of course you've recently moved here from a state that has no history of the types of thunderstorms we typically get in spring. However, if you grew up here or have lived here long enough, you KNOW what I'm talking about. Sure while some of you are out and about enjoying this supposed "beautiful" weather, something has gone awry with our weather patterns...11" of snow in Feb, no thunderstorms in spring and, what's next, a serious drought in the summer? Who knows, things are strange but, maybe it's just me.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I am SOOOOOO excited!! We got the tickets in the mail today and, I have to say, it was like opening a Christmas present....I love Carrie Underwood and I'm so happy to get to go AND have decent seats! LOL...ok, I'm done now. =)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Disney's Most Outrageous Hidden Messages

I felt the need to respond to this given many people on Facebook seemingly believe, for some reason, that there are hidden messages in Disney film. The answer, quite simply, is...true, at ONE time. They were NEVER there because of DISNEY, they were there because of the animators (if you will). Each "hidden message" was changed when found because, as most of you SHOULD know, DISNEY is not about sexual innuendo. That being said, I've even heard one person go so far as to say (a person ON the Disney internship no less) that "Disney creates these hidden messages to make children gay." Needless to say, this person is/was/will apparently always be an idiot and slipped through the cracks and into the internship. Every single "hidden message" has been changed, long ago, and will never be seen in any DVD you purchase...why? Well, Disney has a reputation to uphold and that reputation far exceeds any cartoonist's agenda, any person's ignorance or those that claim "to like Disney is to conform." To those not "conforming" you ARE conforming...unless you've become Amish and if so, congrats on CONFORMING to Amish society! So in other words...get a freakin' life people. =)