Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A comment

While at work this afternoon, a client came in to buy some heartworm protection for her pets. She was, of course, on her cell phone, which I find rude, but that's just me. So, she's having this conversation, rather loudly, in the lobby, so no one can help but to listen to what she says.

As an aside, this client is known for being rude, a bit uncooth, snobby and is married to an "ambulance chaser". (Yeah I'm passing judgement...touche)

Moving on, she's on the phone and says this, "Well you know our school has been downgraded from Recognized to Under Performing (or something similar). Mmm hmm, yeah, it's because of all those African American kids." I think at that moment, my eyes must've become red. Fortunately I was not helping her, or she'd, at the very least, be overcharged. Now, I was informed that the state does clump test scores based on ethnicity and that can affect the overall "grade" of said school, I'm not really sure and it doesn't matter truthfully. My point is this, why on EARTH, would you say something like that at all, much less within ear shot of anyone you don't know? Regardless of the validity of test scores and the state and your school's grades...someone will be offended! I mean it's not like she said something to the effect of, "I hate ice cream and that's why people are fat!" Nope, the aforementioned comment can obviously be misconstrued as racist, assuming she was referring to the state's performance guidelines or whatever. That being said, I don't care who you are...THINK before you speak! Granted people get irritated with being "politically correct" but welcome to the world you live in. I even walk a fine line between political correctness and my reality sometimes, I mean we're only human right? I, however, have enough sense to know what I'm saying and to whom. It's funny how one COMMENT can make a person completely disgusting to another.

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