Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Potpourri of Posts

I realize I haven't posted anything in quite some time. I can't really give a reason why except that I've been dealing with a lot given this move to Kansas and work, so I've just not felt very "bloggy" (?) lately. So the following are some random thoughts and observations that I've come across lately. I apologize in advance for a very lengthy post! It's really just a mix of everything lol....

1. I saw a woman tonight driving a scooter down Preston, in a dress and texting on her cell phone. Genius. Hey, at least she was wearing a helmet for when has an accident and, mark my words, she will have an accident. People can't even text while driving a car at 40mph, much less a freakin' scooter! Oh and let's not get into the fact she was driving a motorcycle-type vehicle in a dress...classy.

2. I'm feeling very sad and not all that physically well this weekend. It's not the best combo. I just keep telling myself, in two months, everything will be sorted out and we'll be able to move on as a unit again.

3. After putting in my notice at work, I'm thankful I'm leaving. I see it as a "kick in the pants"-type thing, primarily because I never looked at what I do as a career. It was to be a "stepping stone" to bigger and better things. At some point during the last 4 years, I found myself in a rut known as Windhaven. It's sad because I feel I've made amazing friendships there and they've given me A LOT as an employee. I guess you'd say it's bittersweet but completely for the best.

4. Speaking of Windhaven, many people have asked if I will go back to work there once we move back to the area. Well for starters, I'm not even sure we'll be living in the Dallas area but, more importantly, after recent events, I don't feel it's really an option. You see, once they sold the practice to a corporation, the "management" (if you can call it that) has found themselves under a budget in a less-than-stellar economy. At one time, I was offered a leave of absence and was told, on more than one occasion, that it was available to me. However, when bringing it up to said "management" during my review fairly recently, things got weird. I was told they would have to speak to this corporation regarding it. It's BS since this corporation is a "hands off" company, nothing has "changed" and Dr. Shuffield will continue to be the person hiring, etc. So I quickly realized that by me leaving, they will be saving over $1000 per month. I certainly hope that when "management" gets their bonus, they see my face stamped on it with a big "Fuck you". Sorry, this is in no way intended for the ONE person I feel is a manager and a know who you are should you read this. To her...I hope you see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm always, always on your side. (As a side note, I'm not bitter, just aggravated with this place)

5. I have many people to train and, so far, I love the people that have been hired. I regret only having a month and half to get to know them.

6. Kansas? Of all the states in the US, it's one I've never even had the desire to visit and yet I'm moving there. Ok, granted it's only for 6 months but I will say this, there is a rhyme and a reason for everything. This too is part of the big picture, I will just take it as it comes and enjoy what I can. Who knows.

7. Scared Hitless, my softball team, has an official record of 1-4-1. Although we have that one game we tied, we're still tied for last place in the league since it doesn't count as a win. I have to say that since we stopped practicing, we've begun to really suck (for lack of a better word). I mean the worst team in the league beat us a couple of weeks ago. It was an embarrassment to say the least. I figure everyone deserves a win, I just wish it wasn't against us! As for practicing, many on the team won't commit to it so my opinion is...when we lose because we're sucking it up, those people that are bitching about the loss should think about actually practicing...those same people being the ones that can't commit. Frustrating really.

8. I've become increasingly frustrated with certain people on Facebook. I'm not even referring to those individuals that choose to support ignorant things by becoming a "fan" as previously blogged. Instead, I'm frustrated with some people that have become a "friend" but choose not to acknowledge my comments to things such as their pictures, etc. Perhaps I'm being silly, but I can't help but think that it has something to do with me, personally. A small aspect of my life that they disagree with, something so minuscule in the grand scheme of things regarding me as a person. If that's truly the case, I would just delete them because I have better friends than they ever were, regardless of the fact I've known this person (and been a true friend) since I was 5 years old. Aside from that person, I see a person commenting on others status', pics, etc that actually deleted me on Myspace. She even gave me a reason/lengthy message for deleting me on Myspace. I think it's HILARIOUS that she actually believes she's a "holier-than-thou person" given her past. I was deleted for being "something" I did not choose, however, I am the person I am and, not only have I accepted that, but the people I love and consider my "family" feel the same. That being said, I feel that the life I've lead is worthy of everything she says I'm not. It's unfortunate that a, literal, CRACK WHORE, thinks she's above me. She shall remain nameless but, I hope she knows, she too will be judged as she has judged me. Sad really. Speaking of judging, turnabout is fair play...I'm LITERALLY so much better than her, it makes me laugh. No one that reads this is that person I must say, some of you may be "friends" with her on FB though...beware.

9. I invite you to watch Tying The Knot and For The Bible Tells Me So. If you don't want to, that's ok, I don't judge you. I just figure given what was just blogged regarding someone that decided I was not worthy of being a friend, I'd give you the option to see the "other side". Please do not take offense, these are just two documentaries that I've seen where I can relate. I'm no crusader, it's just interesting to me.

10. last I heard North Korea was saying that the US was basically making a declaration of war against them (or something to that effect). However, the news has been overwhelmed with the deaths of Farah Fawcett and, more "notably" Michael Jackson. Can I just say, I'm SICK of seeing news reels and headlines regarding MJ's kid, Paris, crying and exclaiming what a great father he was, etc. It's sickening. The media needs to let it go. Yes, Michael Jackson will be more famous in death than life. Let it happen people, let it go. Unfortunately there is more going on with this world than the death of a pop star, regardless of his fame. Sad but true.


Kendra said...

Ah, I know who deleted you on myspace......she is a friend of mine on facebook. She can't spell. That's not surprising though. Who is the other person you speak of? You MUST send me a personal message with this information. I do have some possible guesses.

klg0816 said...

Ehh I'm better off not being her friend...on FB or in life. She's not the kind of person I would align myself with anyway, who wants to be friends with a judgemental hypocrite. I just hate seeing her comments on other's posts...spelling errors and all lol.

Keelie said...

Thank you SO much for clarifying that it is not a person who reads your blog because I am a bit of a narcissist (not sure if that is what I mean to say?) and always assume that mystery people are me.

You are an ecxeptional human being. Do not even waste your energy sorting through the ignorance and hypocracy of others--you could spend an entire lifetime doing that...and you really need to be able to enjoy Kansas.

klg0816 said...

Thanks! lol and I agree about Kansas. I'm beginning to look forward to it, well just a little.

Keelie said...

See when you threw in the comment about there being spelling errors--I just knew it was me. lol

klg0816 said...

LOL! Well it's not you, I promise. I'm only being "secretive" in case that person reads this blog, I just would prefer not to be specific especially if I'm reduced to using crass language in order for myself to feel better lol.