Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Sometimes I've wondered, through this blog journey, if people think I have a lot of pent up anger. There are times that I've looked back and a lot of what I say is ranting, bitching, it makes me wonder, do you think I'm just an angry person?

I will say this, there are numerous upon numerous things that irritate the crap out of me and I use this as a medium to vent those frustrations. At times, I've thought, why not have a light, airy, "we are the world"-type post...the problem is, the few times I've actually posted something like that, it comes across, at least to me, as...well...corny. I mean, I'd post more about my nieces or Disney or my dogs or my relationship, but I'd just be bragging and/or gushing lol. (My nieces are kinda off limits in this forum, for the most part, because the sheer pride and joy they bring me is immeasurable. See? Corny)

So basically, I apologize, but sometimes being bitchy is just how I feel and, that my friends, is why I continue to blog! So, to answer the question at hand, I'm not an angry person, I just want to share my cynical view of the world with's true. It's a bit ironic though, because I'm neither sneering nor pessimistic...I'm just me.

Oh and as for my nieces and family, Disney, my dogs or my relationship...let's just say...I'm continuously fumbling for words to describe just how happy they make me. I am sincerely blessed and truly thankful...I won the lottery of life and I'm well aware of that.

1 comment:

kcc said...

I don't think you are angry. I happen to agree (for the most part) with most of your rants. This is just a medium for you to air those frustrations and keep them from bottling up.

On the other hand, I would love to hear more about the rest of your serendipitous (sp?) life! :-)
