Sunday, May 30, 2010

Westboro Baptist Church

I suppose this is nothing new to most people, I'm certain most American's have heard news stories regarding Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) and Fred Phelps, and if you haven't, I apologize in advance for bringing such hatred to light. That being said, I ran across a news article today regarding WBC's plan to picket the memorial service of rocker Ronnie James Dio. They plan to picket this service because they believe Dio worshipped Satan. Apparently, according to CNN:

"Charges of devil-worshipping have often been leveled against heavy metal music. Dio, in particular, was a favorite target. He popularized the "devil's horn" gesture, where the index and the little fingers are upright and the thumb is clasped against the two middle fingers. He has said he was taught by the sign by his superstitious Italian grandmother as a way to ward off the "evil eye." But many fundamentalist Christians have taken issue with the gesture, alleging that it is a tribute to the devil."

Ok, so this is extremism right? Are we on the same page? How about we move on from this ONE example. This group is also known for picketing soldier's funerals and complete intolerance of homosexuals. So, since there are three sides to every story...mine, yours and the truth...I took it upon myself to set my prejudice, bias, own personal hatred aside and look at their website, primarily to get some idea as to their philosophy for their actions. Unfortunately, the website has not been available all day (a bad sign? or good?) and I, personally, REFUSE to type the actual address into the browser because the website address alone is incredibly offensive to me. So since I can't see the "other" side of the story and take an honest, informed approach to my opinion, I'll continue on my rampage against this so called church. I call it a rampage because everything I've seen, read and heard causes my blood to boil. I don't even see how they can tout themselves as "religion", sure some of their viewpoints may slightly coincide with other religions; however, the difference is, they make everything public and ridiculous while other religions may or may not speak about it within their own "house". Sure, maybe it's no better but at least I don't have to hear about it or see it on the news and it's definitely NOT as extreme. I mean even the most religious people I know would never picket a soldier's funeral or picket with signs exclaiming, "GOD HATES FAGS", at least I hope not. However, the most disturbing thing about this church is, the apparent brainwashing of the children. It's like a continuous cycle of hate and while I'm neither religious nor claim to have even a decent grasp of Christianity (meaning the Bible), I know that hatred is not the goal. Oh and speaking of picketing a soldier's funeral, how dare they? HOW DARE THEY?!?! They are basically spitting in the face of those who protect this country and thereby PROTECT their ability to spew such hatred via Freedom of Speech aka the First Amendment. Although, as long as I'm on the subject, I really don't think their propaganda should be considered "Free Speech" but that's just me.

The very thoughts, ideas, irrational behavior and disprespectful ignorance exhaled from every breath of this cultish-"church" is a devastating blow to humanity. As a people, we can never evolve as long as there are those choosing and educating the youth to hate, not only their fellow man, but the country in which they live. It's sad, it's pathetic and I truly feel sorry for them. Were they to truly be the gateway to Heaven, I'm happy to be in hell.

Take a look at this video, if you can/want to. I just cannot believe it, although the host of the show does a great job reflecting a lot of what I feel lol.

**Disclaimer: It is not my intent to offend anyone by this post, well except those member's of WBC. If something I've said offends those of you, who are not members of WBC, then I apologize. However, I would like to hear your viewpoints.


Keelie said...

Oh mercy. I just went to that this a joke? No, seriously. It seems so far-fetched that there are even people like this..and that website? Well, it's ridiculous and actually (maybe I'm wrong) there seems to be some pornographic images on there? That's a new approach to church marketing...

Here's the way I see it. How I live my life is supposed to be a reflection of Jesus Christ. That is supposed to be my way of showing the world what I believe.

I put my trust in Him and my life does not work without Him in it. I believe the Bible to be God's Holy Word. I do not claim to know everything in it and what it all means but of all the commands He gives, the greatest is to love one another. He does actually say that.

Many times I am confused as to what is okay and not okay (in life and living). But I think I have a pretty good handle on what is right and wrong according to the Bible. And while it is my charge as a believer in Christ to stand firm in those principles, both in my beliefs and in my actions, it is not my duty to go around judging and pestering others.

The Bible tells me that I have plenty of sin in my own life to deal with rather than pointing out what I believe is wrong in other people's lives.

There are times when this is appropriate within the body of Christ(to correct and point out sin), but for the most part all i am supposed to do as a "Christian" is to live a life that is as close to the model Christ gave me as possible and the rest is up to Him.

I think it would be silly to pretend like you and I don't have differences in beliefs. I know that we do. That doesn't mean I judge you. I love you. I really do.There's nothing else attached to that. just the love of Christ.

God hates SIN, not sinners.Infact, if God Hates f*gs then he hates me too. But that's impossible--bc God doesn't hate people. He hastes sin and he hates what sin does to His children.

So here's an interesting thought. I don't know if you believe in the Bible, but let's say that you do NOT, for the purposes of my example. What good on earth would it do for me to tell you, Kevin--"the Bible says you are wrong!" That would be like someone telling me that according to something the Book of Mormon says, I am going to hell.

That has no effect on me because I don't believe in it.

So these people have really missed the whole point of Christianity. These people are messed up.

klg0816 said...

They are messed up and I truly believe that their actions are not something that could even remotely be considered Christian. I said I don't have a decent grasp because I know I'm not aware of everything, not in the least, and I didn't want to come across as someone religious, because that's not the case, if that makes sense. However, our beliefs are not vastly different truthfully. If there is any religion I identify myself with, it's Christianity. That being said, I agree with everything you've said and I appreciate it very much. =)