Sunday, September 26, 2010

Another Strange Dream...

I'm all excited because I just won a large sum of money, not sure exactly how much, but it didn't matter...I won. To announce me as the winner, on a national basis, I was to appear on live television with a mystery host. The excitement was overwhelming, I kept thinking of all I could do with this amount of money (again, no idea how much but it didn't matter). So I arrive at the "lot", step inside and my nerves are almost too much to handle. I hit the stage, hear the audience cheer and quickly realize I'm on the "set" of Growing Pains and the host is Alan Thicke (the father in the TV show Growing Pains). Strange I thought, but it didn't matter, because I am now RICH! So, then, they put a light in the audience, I see only 2 people I know....Misty and her brother Jeffrey...weird. I wave like I'm some kind of celebrity. Then I see my niece Emma, ask her to come on stage with me and she heads up there. I introduce her to everyone (the world I guess). She was wearing a neon green shirt and jeans, I remember thinking, "What did her mother do to her hair?!?!" But it looked ok. Then, oddly enough, I was asked to sing a song, what? Again, strange. So I sang a song I've only heard ONCE...and coincidentally enough, I just heard it this past week on an episode of Glee. The uber weird thing is (besides ME singing in front of an audience AND TV), I now know the words to this song. I'm not quite sure how or why, but I do now (consciously)know the words just as I did in the dream. Strange...again!

I'm thinking I was watching Glee from the Tivo just before I went to sleep, I'm not sure though. I don't remember turning it on, but maybe I did and this is some subconscious way of learning something (the song), I dunno. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the song I sang in the dream LMAO...not sure why!

So what does this mean? Who knows

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dear Mother Nature...

Dear Mother Nature,

For the last few+ months I've hated you, I'll admit it. The heat, humidity and relentless torture you bestowed upon us was unacceptable. However, you are slowly but surely redeeming yourself. I, for one, am happy that these past few months are only a memory. The very fact that the next couple of days' high will be below 80 is a testament to your giving nature, no pun intended. See, I'm a sucker for Fall, and, truthfully, I'm a sucker for winter. So it must be said, I'm excited for the next 6 months weatherwise. Should you decide that a massive snowstorm is needed, you have my permission. Actually, ok I'll go out on a limb here, I REQUEST a massive snowstorm....just one, please. Ice, ehh it's ok, it will do...but snow is awesome! Last year's Christmas Eve was lovely, in February we had 11" of snow in one day...BRAVO! Let's see what happens...but just a word of warning, if there will be no major snow storms or ice storms, then it MUST be cold...bitterly cold. If it's not, my hatred will continue. Let's face it, you don't want me hating you...right? Hello? Right? Does it even matter to you? Hello?.................

*tap* *tap* Hello?

Dear Weather Channel and Meteorologists everywhere,

I've heard so many lovely things about you. Please tell Mother Nature I'm not mad at her! I just want to be her friend!


Mad at Disney

Of course I could never truly be mad at Disney, I mean c'mon. However, I must say I'm disappointed. Ok, so, I'm mostly disappointed in my negligence to actually look into advertisements instead of just trusting what I see/hear as true....I should know better right?

Here we go...we purchased our flights to Orlando on Tuesday of this past week...woohoo! We got really good, nonstop flights on American at a very reasonable price. Score! Yeah, not so fast. The next day, Seam says, "Call Disney, book the vacation and put down the deposit. We'll pay the rest in a couple weeks." Awesome! I thought. So, I call and OF COURSE the free dining plan is not available since it's a blackout date. WHHHAAAAATTTT?!?!? I mean it's the slowest time of year, why NOT give me the dining plan?!?! Nope, the black out dates are 10/28-11/11, we're going 11/2-11/9...smack dab in the middle of said blackout UGH! So, instead I listen to the spiel about how much we would save by purchasing this dining plan, I mean it makes sense, it really does BUT it's NOT FREE like expected. Basically instead of it costing around $1400 total for two people, hotel+tickets+dining, it will now cost just over $2K for the SAME thing! It's very frustrating especially since we ALREADY bought the flight...GRRR!

So, now one of 4 things will happen. We will either change the dates of the flight and incur a penalty, purchase the deal as is and suck it up, stay off Disney property (UGH) or stay on property, not pay for dining and fork out the dough. Frustrated...but I will get over it because...I'M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Purchasing a Flight

For those who may have run across this blog looking for pointers, you may find a few, but that's not my intent. My intent is to vent. See, we're planning a trip to Walt Disney World in early November and have decided to go ahead and purchase our flight. This is sort of a battle, while at times I'm ready to just say, "buy it now!", Seam isn't and vice versa. So we find ourselves in limbo. I've always been told there are certain periods of the week to fly because airfare is typically cheaper...those days are primarily Tuesdays and then Wednesdays, then of course it's imperative to return on either a Sunday, Monday or Tuesday (Ya know, Saturday night stay and all). This has always worked in the past and, by all accounts, it's still the case (unless you're going to Vegas)...right now, we'll be leaving on a Tuesday and returning the following Tuesday. The problem has become this...we recently found out that since most travelers purchase airfare on the weekend, it's best to avoid that because prices are generally higher. So then the question is...WHEN TO PURCHASE?!?!? It's like a lottery! So far, we've found the prices fairly consistent...$199 per person roundtrip. Albeit a GOOD (if not GREAT) price, we're thinking we may luck out and get it cheaper. See, the thing is, BEFORE the recession, I actually found roundtrip airfare/nonstop on Delta for around $135 per person...UNHEARD OF...supposedly. So I believe, in the back of Seam's mind, he's remembering this and thinking, "let's just wait one more day." The problem is...purchase airfare at a good rate and be happy or wait?

Now, if you ask me...I say PURCHASE NOW (even though I'd like it cheaper, so we can spend elsewhere) but that's only because I'm already giddy thinking about the a little school girl...and that's truly pathetic. Ok, so I don't care. However, if we purchase now and then it drops...we just have to grin and bear it. Then, when travel time comes, we'll be looking at people boarding the plane, thinking...assholes who got an amazing deal! I guess it doesn't matter because I'M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!

**Oh, I forgot to mention, we're not only hotel, but airline snobs (thanks to my mom =P jk, kinda)...I'd rather pay more money for a nonstop flight on American Airlines/Delta/Continental/United than save some cash, have a layover and fly a value airline a la ATA or AirTran (are they still in business?). Hey, at least I admit I'm a snob!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fried Chicken

Ok, this post isn't really about fried chicken, instead it's about those tidbits of cooking knowledge that seem to bypass some people. Tonight, Seam is making "Oven Fried Chicken" and mashed potatoes. It's not really something I'm wanting, but I'm neither cooking nor paying for those groceries, so it's ok...I guess. I mean, I will have to clean up the mess, it's one of those give/take things...sort of, I always have to clean when Seam cooks AND I always have to clean when I cook, I swear sometimes I think I should've been a maid. However, some people, or just one, would question me about being a maid when obviously my career choices thus far are sub know who you are. Moving on...

There are certain skills that Seam seems to lack, albeit he will (occasionally) listen when I correct him. For example, just because the heat is up higher does NOT mean it cooks faster, ie those steaks he made once that were black on the outside and full of blood in the middle. Also take tonight's recipe, it actually calls for boneless/skinless chicken breasts, what is he using? Leg quarters! I said, "Seam, you will have to adjust the cooking time" "Why?" he says. "Well it says boneless breasts and you have bone in dark meat chicken..." "The bone just adds flavor" "yeah well I don't care for Salmonella" I reply. Things like this make me wonder...where did I get this knowledge? I mean, I'm not saying I'm anywhere near an expert, but I do know that cooking at a lower heat is, often, preferable and I do know that dark meat chicken takes longer to cook than white. I think maybe, well I know, it's all from my mom. She's a cook...not for a living per se...but she knows how to cook and does it well. So, perhaps this knowledge has been handed down AND it doesn't hurt that, at times, I call her just for her advice regarding certain dishes.

The one thing I will say for Seam, he does make some dishes well, with variance. In other words, Seam often likes to add new things or try it a different way and, truthfully, when you have something that's not broken, don't try to fix it! That being said, I will give credit where credit is due...sometimes his food is good. So, as for "Oven Fried Chicken", the jury is still out.

UPDATE: He was going to use the enameled iron pot to cook it in since it can go in the oven, I reminded him that the recipe he's following calls for a 9X13 dish, then had to point out what a 9X13 dish looks like. So he changed his mind (correction by me taken lol). So he puts the butter in the dish and puts it in the oven to melt (recipe recommendation)...shortly after, from the living room I yell, "Seam, check the smells like it's browning!" Sure enough...yep. I think I'm aggravating him, but the truth is...I'm trying to prevent uncooked, gross chicken and, ultimately, a FIRE.

UPDATE II: Only a dish Julia Child could love. It was complete with meat cooked in lots of butter, mashed potatoes soaked in gravy....completely rich and decadent. I couldn't eat very much of it, but it was ok. The chicken tasted "baked" with a slight crust, yet still had the taste of fried doubt due to the butter. The potatoes alone were tasty but smothered in gravy...yeah, tasted like gravy. All in all an ok meal, not for the weak of heart (literally, artery clotting).

**BY THE WAY, why the heck are chicken leg quarters $3 and boneless chicken breasts $9 for the SAME amount (lbs)???? No offense to those that are butchers, but let's get real, it's not rocket science. I guess I should just buy a freakin' whole chicken next time.***

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Strange Dream

So, it's Saturday afternoon, I had just got off work, had lunch and, of course, about an hour later...drowsiness sets in. I fall asleep, incidentally, I never plan naps these days, they just kinda happen lol. I had the strangest dream, it all started with my family (minus Kendra for some reason) staying in some home somewhere far away from here. I was alone in the home and noticed a bat...chaos ensued because it kept chasing me and Hero. THEN, the owners of this house came home and it turned out they were our relatives (of course, I have no idea who they actually were but in my dream...relatives). I asked about the bat flying around, they said it was surveillance from the neighbors. Then this woman (a "cousin") opened the front door where I see a wolf (a la True Blood) with glowing eyes standing in the distance. Apparently they were the neighbors...werewolves. I was then informed that I should grab my wand since I'm part warlock. Um ok. So I grabbed my wand. Let me just say, I immediately recognized "my wand" was a plastic chopstick (that's currently in the utensil drawer lol) that while in the dishwasher fell and landed on the heating element and is now all warped and charred in places...just my luck, a jacked up wand. Of course I had no idea how to use it but apparently the events following the wolf and the bat warranted an immediate escape. Of my family members, I was now the only one in the house, I was told they had been sent home earlier that day. Ok, I guess. We entered a small bus, similar to an airport shuttle, it had been converted inside to resemble a small apartment. Somehow, someway, I was transported to a dark desolate road in the middle of nowhere. All I had was my jacked up wand and a scooter, like a Razor scooter, I'm slowly making my way when I see lights ahead at an intersection. I come to a stop at the intersection when a man comes up behind me asking if I want some Tequila, I politely said no and went straight through this intersection...on a scooter, foot paddling away. I was scared because he started mouthing me and all I had to get away was A SCOOTER. He obviously was keeping up with me on foot...I mean, A FREAKIN' SCOOTER. Then, I suddenly remember...MY WAND! So I begin desperately trying to remember the spells/charms/whatever from Harry Potter! I suddenly had 6 wands (aka chopsticks) and pointed them in the air, yelling LUMOS! That's where the wand turns into a flashlight of sorts for those unaware lol. I thought if I did that, my "cousins" might know I'm in danger...similar to the Batman light? LMAO. So I feel like it's not working and I quickly realize that not only is there one man chasing me but THREE! I kept racking my brain, what are the other spells from that damn movie! So I yell STUPEFY! It seemed to work briefly but not long enough for me to get away. I'm now barely "scooting" past a a corn field and "wisely" decide to get off the scooter and run through the field. Of course, it didn't work! I kept turning around and yelling...STUPEFY! then PETRIFICUS TOTALUS! then ALOHOMORA! (incidentally that last charm is used to unlock doors! UGH) So magically, no pun intended, my "cousin" shows up to defend me. I wake up, mystified by the dream but still wishing I had some kind of magical powers lmao! Oh well...crazy dreams.


So it's been 9 years, 9 years since probably the worst act of terrorism in US history. The one "act" that occurred in my lifetime which I will never forget. It's something that happened that everyone from my generation and generations before mine will remember...where we were, what we were doing, what we saw and what we felt. It's completely and totally ingrained in my heart and mind.

I was asleep, relishing those last few minutes before I needed to actually get up for class. I was living at home at the time and my mom came into my room, "Kevin, wake up! A plane has just hit the World Trade Center in New York City." I rolled out of bed, thinking all the while, "Ugh, it was probably some small prop plane, why am I waking up for this?" We walked into the living room only to see an American Airlines passenger jet hit the other tower. I was immediately awake and wondering, "WTF is going on?!?!" Mesmerized by the news on TV, completely heartbroken that this was ACTUALLY occurring in the US, I stayed glued to the TV. We heard reports of a car bomb outside the Department of State...then a plane hit the Pentagon. I remember sitting there, completely enthralled, then asking my mom, "What is happening?!?!? We are being attacked!" Then we heard of the plane going down in Pennsylvania. It was a very tough, remarkably emotional day. I didn't have to decide whether or not to go to class, it had been cancelled, the school had been closed. That, in itself, spoke volumes.

The magnitude of the day was only exponentially felt when I watched the World Trade Center towers come crashing down. I, personally, couldn't take my eyes away from news. I needed to know everything, I wanted more information, I felt the American resolve deep in my soul. Nothing could break my love for this country, this heinous attack on our own soil made it even more strong. American resolve...that was heard for weeks and years following September 11, 2001. It was true though, everyone loved each other a little more, felt grateful a little more...then somehow "blame" became the name of the game. Sure blame is human nature, but it's STILL gone a bit too far. I would love to take a powerful blow, a spit to the face, a removal of fingernail (or ten) to those involved in those attacks...BUT they're gone. GONE. More importantly...we will never be able to get back those loved ones lost, those people who fought for the survivors and were never found, those who risked their lives to save someone and lost theirs in the process, those who continue to risk their lives for our country but never return. We cannot get them back. We can't. We can only remember those lost, in every respect, no death should be in vain. We MUST learn to direct our hatred of these acts to a certain group of religious zealots that made our life Hell, and in many ways, continue to do so. However, we must ALSO be the bigger persons. Whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu or any of the like, we MUST remain vigilant. Religious zealots have continued to prey on weaknesses AND that goes for ALL sides. I just hope for a world, a nation, a people...that can, for once, accept people for what they believe, regardless of difference and live in harmony...just continue being ourselves.

Today, I remember...everything. While I wish this day never existed in our history, it did and still, we are a nation united. For that, I am eternally grateful. I have decided to post a video, as many already have for this occasion; however, while I could post a video with images of the actual attacks set to music, I've chosen to post a video that I felt was most poignant following that day. These videos showcase how others from around the world showed their support for OUR country.

Our National Anthem at Buckingham Palace in London

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Arkansas...the rest of the story

Day 2...

I was "supposed" to cook breakfast after Seam returned from fishing didn't happen. He woke up fairly early to go fishing and returned home after my 3rd cup of coffee. He wanted to go canoeing, I wasn't "thrilled" about this but, believe it or not, I wanted to go. I had considered a hike, picnic lunch, fishing and the like...but CANOEING was apparently already in order. So we headed to the office to "book" our little canoe trip. Afterwards we walked towards the bus with our supplies...cooler with some sandwiches, drinks, etc, and, OF COURSE, fishing equipment. Ok, this was a problem...the BUS, if you can call it that...looked brokedown and resembled something you would find in a junkyard. However, the driver arrived via ATV and asked us to get in...FORESHADOW...his name is Pancho and is a good ol' Arkansas hillbilly. He drove us to our launch point aka under a bridge...FORESHADOW #2...and got our canoe ready for launch. Ok, so we get in this little "boat" and the FIRST thing I notice is...OMG I HAVE TO BALANCE MYSELF AT ALL TIMES!?!?!?! It was immediately awful, I was looking (kinda) forward to a peaceful trip...I should've known.

We head down the river, I was expecting beautiful bluffs and forest from The Natural State. Yeah, no, we might as well have been canoeing down the creek near my parent's house. I mean it was ok, it was pretty by all accounts but not what I was expecting. "Balance Kevin!" I kept telling myself...yep, paranoia was the name of the game. We continued and I swear, half the time, we were having to get out of the canoe, pick it up and carry it over the lower levels of water...irritating (sort of). I mean the ACTUAL lower levels resembled a mountain stream, so that was nice BUT, when we got to the giant boulders in the water and all we had to stand on were those huge rocks (with the water otherwise up to 5ft on either side) THAT pissed me off lol. Basically not only were we teetering on the canoe BUT the rocks as well then having to get back in the canoe was a chore! Anyway, ultimately it was ok, but I swear we started looking religiously for that tent (aka pick up point) about a mile before we made it there. I've never been so happy to see an Arkansas hillbilly next to a broke down bus in my life!

Day 3...

Late that morning, we headed for Hot Springs, just to sight see and check it out. I've been there once as a teenager but only briefly, I think we primarily drove through it. It was nice, a little ghetto, but Hot Springs Township was nice. We had lunch at a fairly nice Italian place and then drove around sightseeing. Seam was a bit confused, he thought we'd be able to hike to an actual "hot spring" and go swimming; however, I had to let him know...nope, those "hot springs" are fed into the bathhouses along the main road in Hot Springs National Park. Sorry but "bathhouse" brings to mind VERY dirty conditions, in more ways than one, but I'm sure it's clean...I mean it IS a national park, right? So that was a let down for him. Anyway, that afternoon, we headed back to Oden, AR aka Deliverance. Seam went fishing...again...while I stayed at the cabin. We were going to grill out Ribeye's and any fish Seam caught plus baked potatoes and salad...sounds good right?

Well this is how it all played out...

Seam arrived at the cabin and attempted to clean the fish he caught, then went to start the grill. I had already seasoned the Ribeye's and they had been begging for the hot fire of the grill for a couple hours...yum. Charcoal to grill, flame to charcoal...then a sudden and incredibly loud sound! It sounded to me like a gunshot from our roof, so much so that I almost hit the deck...LITERALLY. I then noticed that the trash can lid on the front deck had been removed (incidentally earlier that afternoon, I saw that it looked halfway open so I closed it, it WAS closed) and was laying on the deck....trash bag inside shredded. Of course, I know that a raccoon was most likely the culprit BUT it was the last straw for Seam. He said, "Let's go home tonight!" I replied with, "Are you serious? We paid $150 just for tonight! Plus we still have to clean the cabin and we have food ready to cook." "I don't care! I'll lose the money, I don't care! Let's go!" he defiantly responded. So we packed quickly and cleaned up as best as...well best as I could in that short period of time and headed out. Originally we had considered staying in a hotel in Texarkana, but decided to just drive the extra distance home. We arrived in Plano around 3am. I was informed..."NEVER AGAIN!"...we'll just see about that lol. I mean I understand and respect his fears (forests to be precise) but we were in a crazy place even by my standards. Ok, well whatever lol. So yeah, at least this little weekend getaway solidified our trip to Walt Disney World in November!!! WOOHOO! At least SOMETHING good came from it! lol