Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dear Mother Nature...

Dear Mother Nature,

For the last few+ months I've hated you, I'll admit it. The heat, humidity and relentless torture you bestowed upon us was unacceptable. However, you are slowly but surely redeeming yourself. I, for one, am happy that these past few months are only a memory. The very fact that the next couple of days' high will be below 80 is a testament to your giving nature, no pun intended. See, I'm a sucker for Fall, and, truthfully, I'm a sucker for winter. So it must be said, I'm excited for the next 6 months weatherwise. Should you decide that a massive snowstorm is needed, you have my permission. Actually, ok I'll go out on a limb here, I REQUEST a massive snowstorm....just one, please. Ice, ehh it's ok, it will do...but snow is awesome! Last year's Christmas Eve was lovely, in February we had 11" of snow in one day...BRAVO! Let's see what happens...but just a word of warning, if there will be no major snow storms or ice storms, then it MUST be cold...bitterly cold. If it's not, my hatred will continue. Let's face it, you don't want me hating you...right? Hello? Right? Does it even matter to you? Hello?.................

*tap* *tap* Hello?

Dear Weather Channel and Meteorologists everywhere,

I've heard so many lovely things about you. Please tell Mother Nature I'm not mad at her! I just want to be her friend!


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