Sunday, September 26, 2010

Another Strange Dream...

I'm all excited because I just won a large sum of money, not sure exactly how much, but it didn't matter...I won. To announce me as the winner, on a national basis, I was to appear on live television with a mystery host. The excitement was overwhelming, I kept thinking of all I could do with this amount of money (again, no idea how much but it didn't matter). So I arrive at the "lot", step inside and my nerves are almost too much to handle. I hit the stage, hear the audience cheer and quickly realize I'm on the "set" of Growing Pains and the host is Alan Thicke (the father in the TV show Growing Pains). Strange I thought, but it didn't matter, because I am now RICH! So, then, they put a light in the audience, I see only 2 people I know....Misty and her brother Jeffrey...weird. I wave like I'm some kind of celebrity. Then I see my niece Emma, ask her to come on stage with me and she heads up there. I introduce her to everyone (the world I guess). She was wearing a neon green shirt and jeans, I remember thinking, "What did her mother do to her hair?!?!" But it looked ok. Then, oddly enough, I was asked to sing a song, what? Again, strange. So I sang a song I've only heard ONCE...and coincidentally enough, I just heard it this past week on an episode of Glee. The uber weird thing is (besides ME singing in front of an audience AND TV), I now know the words to this song. I'm not quite sure how or why, but I do now (consciously)know the words just as I did in the dream. Strange...again!

I'm thinking I was watching Glee from the Tivo just before I went to sleep, I'm not sure though. I don't remember turning it on, but maybe I did and this is some subconscious way of learning something (the song), I dunno. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the song I sang in the dream LMAO...not sure why!

So what does this mean? Who knows

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