Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mad at Disney

Of course I could never truly be mad at Disney, I mean c'mon. However, I must say I'm disappointed. Ok, so, I'm mostly disappointed in my negligence to actually look into advertisements instead of just trusting what I see/hear as true....I should know better right?

Here we go...we purchased our flights to Orlando on Tuesday of this past week...woohoo! We got really good, nonstop flights on American at a very reasonable price. Score! Yeah, not so fast. The next day, Seam says, "Call Disney, book the vacation and put down the deposit. We'll pay the rest in a couple weeks." Awesome! I thought. So, I call and OF COURSE the free dining plan is not available since it's a blackout date. WHHHAAAAATTTT?!?!? I mean it's the slowest time of year, why NOT give me the dining plan?!?! Nope, the black out dates are 10/28-11/11, we're going 11/2-11/9...smack dab in the middle of said blackout UGH! So, instead I listen to the spiel about how much we would save by purchasing this dining plan, I mean it makes sense, it really does BUT it's NOT FREE like expected. Basically instead of it costing around $1400 total for two people, hotel+tickets+dining, it will now cost just over $2K for the SAME thing! It's very frustrating especially since we ALREADY bought the flight...GRRR!

So, now one of 4 things will happen. We will either change the dates of the flight and incur a penalty, purchase the deal as is and suck it up, stay off Disney property (UGH) or stay on property, not pay for dining and fork out the dough. Frustrated...but I will get over it because...I'M GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!

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