Saturday, September 11, 2010

Strange Dream

So, it's Saturday afternoon, I had just got off work, had lunch and, of course, about an hour later...drowsiness sets in. I fall asleep, incidentally, I never plan naps these days, they just kinda happen lol. I had the strangest dream, it all started with my family (minus Kendra for some reason) staying in some home somewhere far away from here. I was alone in the home and noticed a bat...chaos ensued because it kept chasing me and Hero. THEN, the owners of this house came home and it turned out they were our relatives (of course, I have no idea who they actually were but in my dream...relatives). I asked about the bat flying around, they said it was surveillance from the neighbors. Then this woman (a "cousin") opened the front door where I see a wolf (a la True Blood) with glowing eyes standing in the distance. Apparently they were the neighbors...werewolves. I was then informed that I should grab my wand since I'm part warlock. Um ok. So I grabbed my wand. Let me just say, I immediately recognized "my wand" was a plastic chopstick (that's currently in the utensil drawer lol) that while in the dishwasher fell and landed on the heating element and is now all warped and charred in places...just my luck, a jacked up wand. Of course I had no idea how to use it but apparently the events following the wolf and the bat warranted an immediate escape. Of my family members, I was now the only one in the house, I was told they had been sent home earlier that day. Ok, I guess. We entered a small bus, similar to an airport shuttle, it had been converted inside to resemble a small apartment. Somehow, someway, I was transported to a dark desolate road in the middle of nowhere. All I had was my jacked up wand and a scooter, like a Razor scooter, I'm slowly making my way when I see lights ahead at an intersection. I come to a stop at the intersection when a man comes up behind me asking if I want some Tequila, I politely said no and went straight through this intersection...on a scooter, foot paddling away. I was scared because he started mouthing me and all I had to get away was A SCOOTER. He obviously was keeping up with me on foot...I mean, A FREAKIN' SCOOTER. Then, I suddenly remember...MY WAND! So I begin desperately trying to remember the spells/charms/whatever from Harry Potter! I suddenly had 6 wands (aka chopsticks) and pointed them in the air, yelling LUMOS! That's where the wand turns into a flashlight of sorts for those unaware lol. I thought if I did that, my "cousins" might know I'm in danger...similar to the Batman light? LMAO. So I feel like it's not working and I quickly realize that not only is there one man chasing me but THREE! I kept racking my brain, what are the other spells from that damn movie! So I yell STUPEFY! It seemed to work briefly but not long enough for me to get away. I'm now barely "scooting" past a a corn field and "wisely" decide to get off the scooter and run through the field. Of course, it didn't work! I kept turning around and yelling...STUPEFY! then PETRIFICUS TOTALUS! then ALOHOMORA! (incidentally that last charm is used to unlock doors! UGH) So magically, no pun intended, my "cousin" shows up to defend me. I wake up, mystified by the dream but still wishing I had some kind of magical powers lmao! Oh well...crazy dreams.

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