Saturday, September 11, 2010


So it's been 9 years, 9 years since probably the worst act of terrorism in US history. The one "act" that occurred in my lifetime which I will never forget. It's something that happened that everyone from my generation and generations before mine will remember...where we were, what we were doing, what we saw and what we felt. It's completely and totally ingrained in my heart and mind.

I was asleep, relishing those last few minutes before I needed to actually get up for class. I was living at home at the time and my mom came into my room, "Kevin, wake up! A plane has just hit the World Trade Center in New York City." I rolled out of bed, thinking all the while, "Ugh, it was probably some small prop plane, why am I waking up for this?" We walked into the living room only to see an American Airlines passenger jet hit the other tower. I was immediately awake and wondering, "WTF is going on?!?!" Mesmerized by the news on TV, completely heartbroken that this was ACTUALLY occurring in the US, I stayed glued to the TV. We heard reports of a car bomb outside the Department of State...then a plane hit the Pentagon. I remember sitting there, completely enthralled, then asking my mom, "What is happening?!?!? We are being attacked!" Then we heard of the plane going down in Pennsylvania. It was a very tough, remarkably emotional day. I didn't have to decide whether or not to go to class, it had been cancelled, the school had been closed. That, in itself, spoke volumes.

The magnitude of the day was only exponentially felt when I watched the World Trade Center towers come crashing down. I, personally, couldn't take my eyes away from news. I needed to know everything, I wanted more information, I felt the American resolve deep in my soul. Nothing could break my love for this country, this heinous attack on our own soil made it even more strong. American resolve...that was heard for weeks and years following September 11, 2001. It was true though, everyone loved each other a little more, felt grateful a little more...then somehow "blame" became the name of the game. Sure blame is human nature, but it's STILL gone a bit too far. I would love to take a powerful blow, a spit to the face, a removal of fingernail (or ten) to those involved in those attacks...BUT they're gone. GONE. More importantly...we will never be able to get back those loved ones lost, those people who fought for the survivors and were never found, those who risked their lives to save someone and lost theirs in the process, those who continue to risk their lives for our country but never return. We cannot get them back. We can't. We can only remember those lost, in every respect, no death should be in vain. We MUST learn to direct our hatred of these acts to a certain group of religious zealots that made our life Hell, and in many ways, continue to do so. However, we must ALSO be the bigger persons. Whether Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu or any of the like, we MUST remain vigilant. Religious zealots have continued to prey on weaknesses AND that goes for ALL sides. I just hope for a world, a nation, a people...that can, for once, accept people for what they believe, regardless of difference and live in harmony...just continue being ourselves.

Today, I remember...everything. While I wish this day never existed in our history, it did and still, we are a nation united. For that, I am eternally grateful. I have decided to post a video, as many already have for this occasion; however, while I could post a video with images of the actual attacks set to music, I've chosen to post a video that I felt was most poignant following that day. These videos showcase how others from around the world showed their support for OUR country.

Our National Anthem at Buckingham Palace in London

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