Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Being 30
I must say, it's nice being on the other side. Don't get me wrong, I'm no better than her but I am glad that I'm in a place where I'm content just staying home and, yes, being an adult.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I'm not looking for an argument...
So, having said this, I turn to those people who matter most to me, my family. I KNOW this reform will help them. For those of you shaking your head, give me a minute. My parents both work, never looking for a handout but not seeking medical attention they need, why? They cannot afford it. When your only option due to pre-existing conditions is COBRA, or similar, and it would cost almost $1500 monthly (aka your mortgage), it's no surprise they don't have insurance. They need it though and that worries me. So, by and large, I'm for this healthcare reform and I'll continue paying monthly for my own health insurance, which will remain intact. I just feel that some people need a bit of an education when it comes to healthcare reform...not only regarding the guidelines themselves but life in general. In the words of Beth Stevens (have to cite lol), "Be empathetic." Afterall, empathy is the most important element of compassion and, again, were our forefathers to come back here on Earth and see that there is little compassion for our fellow man, then they have failed and so have we.
By the way, check out this article and this. Just found it interesting...
Oh and this one ...some Americans are just "awesome"
Once again, just saying that I found them interesting. That's all.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
So, anyway, moving on. Seam recently came home with 2 huge bags of groceries and I'd like to share SOME of the products & prices with you. I say some because he bought some crap that Seam would only buy lol and that goes for ANY grocery store....I mean Mango nectar? C'mon. So here we go:
Gallon of milk...$1.79
Cinnamon Crunch cereal (aka Cinnamon Toast Crunch)...$1.89
Whole Pineapple...$0.99
Pkg of Roma Tomatoes (Fresh)...$1.29
Pkg of Jalapenos (Fresh)...$0.35
Italian Diced Tomato...$0.55
93% Ground Beef...$3.17
Bag of Navel oranges...$1.39
Dozen Eggs...$1.19
Bag of White Onion...$1.99
Box of Peanut Butter Wafers (aka Nutty Buddy)...$0.99
Shells & Cheese (aka Velveeta)...$1.29
Garlic Bread (yummo)...$1.69
Parmesan Cheese...$2.49
Premium OJ...$2.39
Beef Stew Meat...$4.19
This is all just to give you an idea. By the way, ALDI foods come with a guarantee..."If for any reason you are dissatisfied with any food product. Not only will [they] replace that product BUT ALSO give you your money back". Not bad right? It's actually a good deal and it's not "cheaply" made stuff. It's quality food, trust me. I guess Texans just need to stop being so snobby, at least from some of the stuff we've heard. Afterall, this business model is not new to the United States. These stores have been VERY successful in the Eastern half of the US since the 70s, not to mention Europe. Apparently, they are doing something right.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Hothouse Tomato
It's funny how what one "Hothouse tomato" can make you think of...keep that in mind. It only takes one little thing in life that opens up so many memories.
So, who is an expert at growing a garden on an apartment balcony????
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The View
Let me first say, the term "shock" is an understatement. I was livid, pissed off and hurt, all in one, by this film. It's strange when a movie can speak to you and I, personally, cannot get this one out of my head. I will say this, Mo'Nique DESERVED her award. Why? Because by the end of the movie, I wanted to knock her ass out then hug her for some reason. It actually changed my opinion of her. I mean, I've seen her on Queens of Comedy and then this? It was insanely different. So, if you're interested in watching this flick, take this into account...it's gritty, honest, powerful and sad. That being said, I loved it. I can only hope that Gabourey Sidibe continues to act and has a successful career. I, for one, am thankful this was not a true story (I think anyway). Although I'm certain there are people out there experiencing similar challenges. I hope those people gain strength from this film.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Taylor Swift...
Monday, March 8, 2010
Flotsam and Jetsam
Flotsam and Jetsam as seen in The Little Mermaid....
Flotsam as seen in Plano, TX....
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Oscar Night is Tomorrow
I saw one of the Documentary Feature nominees, Which Way Home. It was sad but telling of the determination CHILDREN have to get to the US simply to provide for family and/or live. I think the most disturbing portions of the documentary were the updates of the children it followed. Sad. So I'm rooting for this flick because it's the only one I've seen and it's an eye opener. Wait, why wasn't Religulous nominated? Oh well.
So you may be asking yourself, why are you watching the Oscars if you haven't even seen the majority of nominated movies? The answer is clear as a bell....BECAUSE.
Alright, alright...I'm also watching to see what people wear LOL! I know. ALSO, to hear the speeches, there are usually some great ones like the one below! Concise, to the point and, yet, speaks VOLUMES...classy.
Hattie McDaniel receiving her Oscar for one of the greatest movies, Gone With The Wind (bite your tongue). To be so graceful, heartfelt and appreciative after everything....I'm referring to the fact that she was "not allowed" to attend the premier of the movie given it was premiered in 1939 Atlanta. Times have changed, thankfully. However, this is still such a classy speech.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
A Sizable Sum of Cash

About a week ago, I finally gave in. Yes, Seam has had his sights set on going to the South Pacific for some time now. Will this actually come to fruition....mmm, probably not. However, I was the missing link. I refused to even consider such a place because, well, it's INSANELY expensive. Not to mention the LAST thing I want to do on vacation is spend almost an entire day in an airplane (literally, roundtrip flight=about 20 hours NOT including connections) for only 4 days in, what seems to be, paradise. Ok, scratch that last part... I mean the term "paradise", it completely kills my complaint regarding flight time. So anyway, I finally said, ok, we'll go and I'll contribute about $1000 to the trip. The SAD thing is, a grand is like a drop in the bucket when it comes to this caliber of vacation's cost. In a way, I'm regretting making the decision to give a green light. As many of you know, I'm not a "beachy, heat seeking, sun bathing, snorkeling"-type person. The sheer beauty of the place is what draws me in and, that alone, is enough. However, there are NUMEROUS other places I'd rather pay for, including, but not limited to: WALT DISNEY WORLD, Alaska, the UK, Germany, Italy, Greece, an African Safari, Japan, heck even Thailand (yum...Pad Thai lol). I guess I shouldn't complain, if he's wanting to pay (the majority anyway) for a trip to Bora Bora or Tahiti, then I should be grateful. I just can't help but wonder, what else could I see with that sizable sum of cash?
As an aside, should this trip not work out, I have numerous other ideas in mind. Most notably, taking my niece and sister to Disney, a 10 day road trip through California, ALASKA! and, of course, Italy. We'll see what happens. I mean, we may not be able to go anywhere!