Monday, March 8, 2010

Flotsam and Jetsam

An aplty titled blog if you ask me! You see not terribly long ago Seam officially set up the aquarium. Through the generosity of friends, we received numerous items INCLUDING two clown fish aka Nemo. So here we have this little aquarium that is, obviously, Disney themed. Ok, it's really not but how else would I allow such a time consuming and, needless to say, expensive hobby right? So it's Disney themed ("only in my mind" counts). So Seam decides one day that he really needs an eel in this tank. Why? I haven't a clue, it would literally be the FURTHEST species on my list of "musts". However, it's there now. I've been closely monitoring the little villain because, well, he eats, of all! So, I've decided to name him Flotsam, solely because of the movie The Little Mermaid. Are you seeing a pattern? Jetsam will never exist, probably because #1 Flotsam already has a death wish and it's name is Kevin and #2 Seam knows that there's no saving an eel in my book (long story short: Flotsam GOT OUT OF THE AQUARIUM and almost died...serves the idiot [eel not Seam] right!). Sooooooo, my final question to all my loyal followers, that is to say, all 3 of you...WHY would anyone EVER put a Disney Hero and a Disney Villain in the same habitat???? Only time will tell who will win the war and as of now, I foresee my culinary skills turning to sushi, that's right unagi anyone?

Flotsam and Jetsam as seen in The Little Mermaid....

Flotsam as seen in Plano, TX....


Keelie said...

OMG! This is CRAZy. Ev erything about it--the fact that you have an eel? the whole disney movie theme. Just crazy.

I think I would bread with cornmeal and fry.

oh and love the fact you had to clarify who the idiot is:0)

Keelie said...
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Kendra said...

Seam is the're just trying to be nice.

Taylor said...

My 3 yr old agrees with Kevin...Why in the world would you bring a villian intentionally into your make believe world?? She would have no part of it...