Thursday, March 11, 2010

Taylor Swift...

Do I think she's a legitimite artist? Sure. Do I think she's a legitimate songwriter? Sure. Do I hate her? No. Ok, that last question remains to be seen. I feel it's apropos to post regarding this issue since her concert is, probably still, going on as I type this here in Dallas. She is NOT a vocalist, by any means, AND her songs all deal with high school issues. Of course, everyone and, just about anyone, can relate in some way to her songs (I mean we all went to high school right?); however, seriously? Vocalist? No, seriously...vocalist? She cannot sing. Her "music" may be ok but her musicability is seriously lacking. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying her songwriting ability sucks or her presentation, God forbid, sucks. Vocalist. Let's go ahead and make this clear as a bell... vo-cal-ist: noun. a singer. Ok, alright, she's a "singer" but the basic definition of vocalist does not infer"singing well". She sucks in my book aka cannot carry a tune. Were it not for millions of "tweens" this poor girl would never have made it beyond her first awards show. Seriously. I mean, seriously. When you're in a category with the likes of Reba, Martina McBride, CARRIE UNDERWOOD and Miranda Lambert...SURELY she must be asking herself, "am I as deserving VOCALLY as them?" The answer is and will always be...NOPE. Poor girl, I hope she enjoys her ride because surely as a "singer/songwriter" she will eventually realize which part of that "title" she's actually decent at....oh and have I mentioned yet, it's not singer.

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