Saturday, March 6, 2010

Oscar Night is Tomorrow

Who's watching? I will be, probably because I'm a sucker for pop culture, well kinda anyway. I will begin this post with the fact I have NOT seen but a handful of the nominated movies. I mean, I own Up but have yet to watch it (I know! Sacrilegious!), Coraline is in the mailbox as we speak from Netflix, yeah it's gonna stay there until I'm willing to check the mail. Let's see, I saw District 9...ok, I saw about 30 minutes of the flick and turned it off...stupid movie. Oh wait, I did see Julie & Julia...great movie? You bet! Do I want Meryl Streep to win? No. While I realize her caliber of acting is amazing, I'm secretly rooting for Sandra Bullock or Gabourey Sidibe (just trying to spell her name took me 4 tries, even then I had to consult another website lol). I've seen neither Precious or The Blind Side, but still. You gotta root for someone right?

I saw one of the Documentary Feature nominees, Which Way Home. It was sad but telling of the determination CHILDREN have to get to the US simply to provide for family and/or live. I think the most disturbing portions of the documentary were the updates of the children it followed. Sad. So I'm rooting for this flick because it's the only one I've seen and it's an eye opener. Wait, why wasn't Religulous nominated? Oh well.

So you may be asking yourself, why are you watching the Oscars if you haven't even seen the majority of nominated movies? The answer is clear as a bell....BECAUSE.

Alright, alright...I'm also watching to see what people wear LOL! I know. ALSO, to hear the speeches, there are usually some great ones like the one below! Concise, to the point and, yet, speaks VOLUMES...classy.

Hattie McDaniel receiving her Oscar for one of the greatest movies, Gone With The Wind (bite your tongue). To be so graceful, heartfelt and appreciative after everything....I'm referring to the fact that she was "not allowed" to attend the premier of the movie given it was premiered in 1939 Atlanta. Times have changed, thankfully. However, this is still such a classy speech.

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