Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm not looking for an argument...

Just wanted to say that before I say anything that some may deem "politically charged". So there's your disclaimer. My point in this post is to continue with a thought that, unfortunately, provoked some people to come at me with the claws out. Perhaps it was my misuse of syntax or their lack of control, either way, it no longer matters. However, following the passing of healthcare reform, I've seen numerous posts and affiliations on Facebook (yeah I know) with *almost* hatred towards our government and those who support it. It's really kinda sad but that's the beauty of the country we live in, anyone is able to express any emotion, thought or idea in any way they want...well almost anyway, I mean as long as it's legal lol. So, while I will admit I am neither for or against this reform, I am certain however that healthcare needs to, no MUST, be reformed. When most are faced with making a decision whether to support this or not, I've found that people reflect on their personal situations, their experiences and the like, which is what one should do as an adult. However, when you're not even able to consider the other side of a story, that's when things, in my opinion, become juvenile. I truly believe that were our forefathers able to return here on Earth and see what kind of nation we've become, and I know I'm not alone in this, they may just be a wee bit disheartened. Now, I'm not referring to politics in that statement, for goodness sake the Republican party didn't exist until 1854 and for the Democrats 1790. Last I checked, the US became an independent country in 1776. So, while my history may fail me, the point remains, our forefathers most likely could not fathom at that time what bickering and, almost elitism, they would find in 21st century America, yet that's where we stand. No one side is COMPLETELY willing to look at the other side. Perhaps it's fear, who knows. However, those polarizing figures from both sides of this health care reform lack the wherewithal to just take a peak at the other side.

So, having said this, I turn to those people who matter most to me, my family. I KNOW this reform will help them. For those of you shaking your head, give me a minute. My parents both work, never looking for a handout but not seeking medical attention they need, why? They cannot afford it. When your only option due to pre-existing conditions is COBRA, or similar, and it would cost almost $1500 monthly (aka your mortgage), it's no surprise they don't have insurance. They need it though and that worries me. So, by and large, I'm for this healthcare reform and I'll continue paying monthly for my own health insurance, which will remain intact. I just feel that some people need a bit of an education when it comes to healthcare reform...not only regarding the guidelines themselves but life in general. In the words of Beth Stevens (have to cite lol), "Be empathetic." Afterall, empathy is the most important element of compassion and, again, were our forefathers to come back here on Earth and see that there is little compassion for our fellow man, then they have failed and so have we.

By the way, check out this article and this. Just found it interesting...

Oh and this one ...some Americans are just "awesome"

Once again, just saying that I found them interesting. That's all.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

That is great! Please tell me you are going to post this as a link on FB? I hope so.
You are right- "There are losers on both sides". One families health is neither more nor less important than the others.
I WILL instill in my girls this: We are all entitled to our own opinions and just because someone believes differently than you, it doesn't make them wrong.