Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The View

No, I'm not referring to the television show. Is that even still on? Anyway, I'm referring to the things that occur in life, when we forget to actually enjoy the view. Ok, seriously, this is not about that TV show. Something I recently read made me remember a time that Seam and I went to San Francisco. Everything about this moment is/was idyllic, I just took it for granted and, for that, I have regret. See, we were on our way to Napa Valley to see some wineries, test the juice, ya know the usual. We drove across the Golden Gate Bridge, it was foggy but even through the fog you could feel the grandeur of the moment. I mean c'mon, it's the Golden Gate Bridge! We entered into a town just across the bridge, Sausalito. Thankfully my mom had informed us to check out the town. We drove around it, just on the side of the bay. It was wonderful, so we stopped. We decided to have some coffee and stopped at a coffeehouse along the water. We got our coffee and stepped out onto the deck, the salty breeze filling the air, birds abound, I remember seeing a bike out front...it was, without a doubt, idyllic. Then we turned around...the view. We were on a deck at a coffee shop in Sausalito overlooking the water and...overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge. I regret not spending more time there, being too concerned with our "schedule" and NOT just enjoying the moment. We will return one day, if nothing but to simply enjoy the view.


Keelie said...

love this post.

klg0816 said...

Thanks! It's true though. The bad thing is, I often refer to this moment as a "highlight" of that trip, when the truth is, the highlight is actually the fact that I took it in ENOUGH to remember. I truly hope to go back to that same spot one day.

Keelie said...

There is a spot in NYC that I always go to when I'm there and I remember each time. It is the Bethesda Fountain in central park and I have already told JOnah that I will take him there one day and make a wish together.

I just think what you said applies to life in general. Very insightful.