Saturday, May 30, 2009
Alzheimer's Project
***Can't we just go back to the previous post DANG!***
I've waited long enough...
In the Spring of 2002, I was talked into interviewing for an internship with Disney. I must say my motives were not the best (told it was a huge party basically). I did need a break from school as my grades were slipping horribly. As my mom says, every kid goes through that rebellious stage and I was definitely a late bloomer. I would literally go into tests heavily hungover. So a change was necessary and this internship seemed like a starting point, well from the bad grades at least lol (as I said before party+no school=good idea). It was a much difference experience though.
Yes there was definite partying (I never did nor will I ever do hardcore drugs in case that's what you're thinking) and lots of other things but, much more importantly, I not only found myself but lifetime friendships. I was not a huge Disney fan before, however something changed in the midst of this experience and, to this day, I cannot pinpoint it. That being said, when you're there, the mood is contagious, almost electric. It's like instant smile, it's almost a drug. It literally feels like ANYTHING can happen. I remember being at work one day at EPCOT and going to the breakroom, there was a TV on the news and my friend Beth and I watched in amazement as the US was bombing someone. We had no idea, you literally live in a bubble there. It's as though the outside world does not exist, you're just happy, almost euphoric. Dreams really do come true there, as hard as it was to even type that (given the corny factor), it's very true. If there is any advice I can given an adult, when going to Walt Disney World, it's...just let it in, be a kid again, that's what this place is about.
Obsession is a strong word and I'm not sure I'm officially obsessed with Walt Disney World; however, I cannot even consider a vacation without FIRST considering going there. I almost feel guilty if I want to go somewhere else, weird I know, which is probably why I've been 5 times since 2003 (when the internship ended). I never regret that though, I should say that first and foremost. I love it and I literally share in the excitement when someone I know is going, I love giving advice about the parks because (again corny) I want to SHARE the way I feel about it. As a matter of fact, I began planning a trip to take my niece Emma BEFORE she was born (ok that is weird I guess) and now I have another niece to plan for! Honestly, I would love nothing more than for my entire family to go together!
So, since I'll be 30 this year, I'm going to Walt Disney World (aka WDW) AGAIN! Well, that is, unless we can figure out a way to get to Alaska (my other obsession lol) without snow in October.
So, basically, if you were to draw a line that represented the things in my life that matter most...going to Disney for the internship definitely created a "blip" in that line. It's the same blip you see in the movies where a "cure is found for a disease" or, quite frankly, when you realize the important things in life and, while going to Disney is not important in the grand scheme of things, it's where I want to be.
***I must add I have not gone on vacations ONLY to WDW! We've also been, within recent years, to Key West, San Francisco and St Croix, USVI! So, I'm not THAT obsessed!***
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Game #1
All that being said, I'm not sure I'll make it to our next game. You see a little girl will be brought into this world and our family on June 2nd, it's a given she takes precedence over softball. So, should I be up to the challenge of a game AFTER waking up at 4am and spending the day at the hospital, then I'll report back on how well we do. I must say, however, besides seeing Brynlee that morning, I'm more excited about seeing Emma's face when she realizes she truly has a little baby sister than some softball game.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Apartment Living
Ok so back to pest control, perhaps it's just me but I am more than willing to take care of this myself. I guess it's a control issue, I don't know, I'd prefer to take care of my own environment and, yes, a house would be better (yet another story). Needless to say, I feel the need to clean the place within an inch of my life, I would never want anyone to think I live in squalor (it's not even close, just being dramatic). So it's a HUGE inconvenience, now I have to take Hero to work (probably will get groomed, I'm sure he's thrilled) and Lucy (my cat) must be dealt with. She is more the issue than Hero. You see, Lucy HATES her carrier as much as I hate apartments. The only difference is, I don't randomly pee and poop everywhere when being forced to live in an apartment, unlike when she's being forced in her carrier. sucks.
So on Thursday morning, as you're drinking your coffee, effortlessly driving to work, or haven't a care in the world...remember I'm (literally & figuratively) getting shit on.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Shawn Johnson
**And no, I did not vote!***
Monday, May 18, 2009
Who are these stars?
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Pet Owners

***Chase, the other Aussie, was not available at the time of the blog. He is currently out in my parent's pasture rolling around in cow poop***
I'm sure some will read what I've written and think I'm crazy (sometimes I wonder that myself), other's may understand. As a matter of fact, I don't even know why I blogged about this...oh yeah, shameless ploy to showoff my beautiful puppies, that's right. I know Kendra, you can slowdown the eye roll, you might get dizzy. =0)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Practice #3
Fast forward to today. Needless to say I had difficulty sleeping, it was painful last night. At one point, I hobbled out of bed only to take an undisclosed number of Ibuprofen, I believe that was around 4am. I finally fell asleep only to wake up two hours later. After being non-mobile for a while, standing up was like someone took a metal bat and swung with intent. I now know how Nancy Kerrigan felt (yes I just included a figure skater in my blog). So I called into work because I felt perhaps I should just stay off it for a day. However, I am embarrassed for calling in and feel extremely guilty. That being said, my job requires me to be ambulatory and, this morning, I'm not quite there but it's getting better.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
30th Anniversary...
(Pause the playlist below, if using tabs...pause them ALL)
Of course it's amateur, but hey, it achieved the purpose. I was unable to get some of the pictures to load/line up correctly but I ran out of time. So anyway, it's pretty good right?
Monday, May 11, 2009
This one lady...GRRRR
So today, as the day was over at my hospital, this woman walks in. Fortunately for her, she happened to catch the doors still unlocked. I mean we're fairly consistent with locking them right at 6pm. So she comes in and needs her syringes replaced. She claims we have some MAGIC SYRINGE that her dog does not feel when giving her antigen injections. I look at her like she's crazy, I guess she sensed that because she immediately threw her head down like she was about to cry a river. So I attempted to help her. (Is it not enough we're open 10 hours a day, you wait until the LAST MINUTE to come in????) Ok so, I inform her that the gauge of the needle is a little bit larger. She exclaims, "Oh yeah it is and I drew up 10X the solution that I'm supposed to!" (Ok, first of all, the size of the needle makes no difference on how much you draw up, that's HER ERROR) "Um ok," I say, "Let me check your chart to see what was dispensed before." (SAME SYRINGE) I figure it must be a smaller gauge needle, so I ask a few more questions. "I'm not supposed to be thinking about this!!!" she says as she throws her head down AGAIN to apparently sulk. I'm literally gritting my teeth thinking, listen up lady, but instead I get the smaller needle and show her. She says, "Oh that's it" (of course, the one syringe IN THE ALREADY LOCKED PHARMACY!) Ok so I proceed with, "Let me give you a few needles to tide you over until I can get the actual syringes from the pharmacy tomorrow." She gives me that look like I'M THE IDIOT. (Reminder: we close at 6, hence the LOCKED pharmacy) So I simply inform her that all she has to do is change the needle..."BUT I'M NOT A DOCTOR! WHHAAAAA" (Seriously?). I cannot even believe this, changing a needle on a syringe is, literally, easy. (Also if you're giving your pet injections ALREADY, you should be at least familiar with a least I hope) So I give her 2nd grade directions (see post below) and hopefully she get's it. "I just don't want to hurt my dog!!! I'm not supposed to be thinking about this!," she again exclaims, once again throwing her head down into her arms. At this point I feel like letting her know that the reason she has a 3-legged dog is because she was not paying attention while her dog was playing in the road (that was her admission not my assumption). I just smile and let her know we will get everything straightened out when the hospital is open. (Customer service at it's BEST! Haha)
I do realize that many people feel they may be hurting their pet giving an injection, should you ever need to give one. However, please keep in mind that your pet has a completely different body than you, especially their skin. It may bother them initially but it is NOT like you getting a shot. So giving an injection to them does not necessarily hurt them, especially if the difference is a 22 gauge needle vs a 25 gauge needle.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Following A Recipe...
First and foremost, this recipe calls for 1 TEASPOON of seasoning. It also gives you the "recipe" for making the seasoning, which yields 2/3 cup. Well the GENIUS that posted says this, and I quote....
"The creole seasoning yielded 2/3 of a cup and I only added 1/2 cup to the recipe and it was still inedible. It was way overseasoned and salty even as a dip instead of a meal."
--Kristine, Long Beach, CA
Dear Kristine from Long Beach, CA,
My simple advice is as follows:
1. Step away from the kitchen, it is never to be entered again unless you're using a microwave.
2. When using a microwave to cook, only purchase microwaveable meals. They must be removed from the box prior to cooking.
3. Enroll yourself into 2nd close attention to the "Learning to follow directions" lesson.
4. Sorry for seemingly harsh advice however any normal human being would not add 1/2 cup of SALT to anything. Well except the ocean.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
If You Seek Amy....
Anyway, my point, which I'm getting to shortly, has nothing to do with that little tidbit. It's more along the lines of why even have a petition for this song? Apparently, and I could be wrong about this (correct me if I am) but the station's sponsors were threatening the station that if this song was part of the playlist, they may pull their ads. As a radio station, however, they did their duty and listened to what the listeners had to say, hence the petition. (Oh and it is back on the playlist by the way)
Ok so moving on to my point. On my way home for lunch yesterday, I heard a song on this same station by Lady Gaga called "Love Game". A portion of the lyrics are, and I quote, "Let's have some fun this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick. Don't think too much just bust that kick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick. Let's play a love game..." How is this song any different than the previous?
I mean is this girl really talking about some toy (aka pogo) that was used during the "disco days" to have fun on the dance floor? Or is she talking about dancing? C'mon, 'take a ride on your disco stick'? It doesn't matter what the meaning is, which is my point exactly...every popular song these days has some double entendre, so the argument is ridiculous. Hello Flo Rider (or is it Flo Rida? lol)..."you spin my head right round, right round. When you go down, when you go down down..." PUHLEEEEEZE.
A lot of mainstream popular songs have double meanings or may be inappropriate for some audiences. So, if it's offensive to you, don't listen to it and don't watch the video expecting a different interpretation, just ignore it and if you're a parent, BE a parent.
I know I won't ignore them though, I like those songs I mentioned lol.
The "Playlist"
HOWEVER...I invite you to listen to #32 and #33...both of those songs have such meaning to me. I heard them both every single day while interning at Disney. They hold memories and yet, each song itself, is meaningful. As a matter of fact, #32 (Promise) was the song of choice for the first dance at one of my best friend's wedding. I haven't seen her in over a year (she lives in NYC), but it makes me think of her...everytime. Anyway, hope you at least listen to those!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Am I Boring or Something?!?!
So today I was told, "You don't seem like the type of person that would enjoy Vegas"...? I still don't get that. I'm no party pooper (ask my friends), I rarely am asleep before midnight, I'm certainly no prude and I'm VERY open minded (prude and open minded are not meant to go hand in hand). Hmmm, what vibe to I put off regarding that statement? I still don't know. I've been to Vegas, had a great time and won a lot of money...also lost most of it...but STILL. It's just odd to me given the person that said it, especially since they've NEVER been. Oh well, just because I prefer to have a few hundred dollars of DISPOSABLE money to gamble does not mean I do not enjoy having fun in Sin City! Yes, I do see gambling as a waste of cash, unless I win then it's all good, right?
I have to say though, my only complaint about Vegas...those people on the streets slapping those "catalogs" in their hands. It's a little annoying, I mean I don't want a catalog of prostitutes...that's just...nasty. To each their own though, just don't be putting these "catalogs" in my face and then look at me with surprise when I decline LOL.
And speaking of gambling, I recently came across this video on CNN...
Seriously? I feel like I'm lucky just to hit all green lights on my way to work. Sometimes I wonder what kind of karma people put out there that win the lotto and especially 5 TIMES! Her accent kills me, by the way. Just the fact she has won enough money to pay off all my debt and then some, to have that grates my nerves! Yes, I'm bitter but...I should add...I don't play the lotto. STILL!
One more rule...
There must be 2 females in the outfield, 2 females in the infield and either the pitcher or catcher must be female.
Now I'm all for equality and we knew that it had to be 5 men/5 women on the field. That being said, this new rule has resulted in yours truly being benched...for now. Isn't that wonderful? Of course, nothing is set in stone and that, quite possibly, could change. It's just ridiculous. I'm beginning to regret ever getting involved in this league especially since some people on this team think we just signed up for the major leagues, oh and they're first pick...obviously. Just annoyed with the whole situation.
The idea of it being fun just went out the door.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I think I'm going to die....
Although the rules of this league...SUCK! Let's see, here are just a few, and anyone remotely familiar with softball/baseball will KNOW these are silly:
1. 3 balls and the male takes TWO bases
2. One strike and you hit a foul...OUT!
4.There are two home bases, the runner steps on the second while the catcher covers the other.
As the runner, if you step on the one the catcher is covering...OUT!
5. First base is two colors, orange and white. The first baseman covers the white portion while
the runner is on the orange.
And the list goes on....
Why as a society must we feel the need to protect the feelings/skills of everyone nowadays? I mean whatever happened to a good ol' ballgame? I guess they don't exist anymore...well for an amateur city league lol.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Adam Glambert
I figured I would give him a little more of a chance so I went to the American Idol website (yes, I know *rolls eyes*) to read up on Mr. GLAMbert. The only thing I can remember, in other words the ONLY item that has struck me is..."Q. Who is your favorite idol thus far? A. Fantasia Barrino" ....ENOUGH SAID. No way I can support him...ever. Fantasia? I mean seriously?
Sunday, May 3, 2009
First Practice
Picture it, in high school you worked out all the time, were ok at sports, in fairly good shape and everything was ok. Ten years later, you have put on a lot of weight and that's primarily because you no longer workout the same way (if at all) but still eat as if you do, your joints begin to feel different especially after sports in HS (powerlifting anyone? Kinda regret it) and your activity level is what you get from your everyday life. Anyway, this is where I'm at currently.
Back to the practice, I think I did alright. Afterall I'm not there to impress anyone, just to have fun. Here's where the out-of-shape business comes into play, fun+out of shape don't mix well. I did have fun though, I realized that I miss being part of a team and we may not be the best, hell we may never win a game BUT it will be fun. I mean, I may no longer be able to run my fastest but I can still catch a ball and hit...what else is there? lol Anyway despite the mud and the "rust", it was a good practice. Now I just to need to figure out how to deal with the soreness tomorrow....
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Big Sister
Friday, May 1, 2009
Scared Hitless