Thursday, May 7, 2009

One more rule...

Yet another stupid rule that this league has imposed...

There must be 2 females in the outfield, 2 females in the infield and either the pitcher or catcher must be female.

Now I'm all for equality and we knew that it had to be 5 men/5 women on the field. That being said, this new rule has resulted in yours truly being benched...for now. Isn't that wonderful? Of course, nothing is set in stone and that, quite possibly, could change. It's just ridiculous. I'm beginning to regret ever getting involved in this league especially since some people on this team think we just signed up for the major leagues, oh and they're first pick...obviously. Just annoyed with the whole situation.

The idea of it being fun just went out the door.


Kendra said...

What rules is this league going by? That's just silly.

Kendra said...

Sorry. You're talking about softball so I'm going comment crazy. Is this a recreational or competetive league? That makes a difference too.

Keelie said...

Oh, I'm sorry. That rule seems a bit extreme to me. Maybe one of the guys will get hurt. :)Not real bad, just like a broken thumb or something...

klg0816 said...

Well, I'm not "technically" on the bench. It's just that the position I was playing has been taken by a girl. This has nothing to do with the girl, but where do I play now? LOL

It is a recreational league, which I also HATE! Since there are two girls that have never played softball...ever...they opted for that league. It kinda sucks BUT these rules apply to ALL Coed leagues.