Sunday, May 3, 2009

First Practice

So this evening we had our first softball practice. I have to say I was nervous about it only because I know I used to be decent but seeing as 10 years have passed since I've touched a softball, I just didn't know whether to anticipate embarassment or not. That being said, I'm feeling my age, my weight, my out-of-shapeness (is that even a word?).

Picture it, in high school you worked out all the time, were ok at sports, in fairly good shape and everything was ok. Ten years later, you have put on a lot of weight and that's primarily because you no longer workout the same way (if at all) but still eat as if you do, your joints begin to feel different especially after sports in HS (powerlifting anyone? Kinda regret it) and your activity level is what you get from your everyday life. Anyway, this is where I'm at currently.

Back to the practice, I think I did alright. Afterall I'm not there to impress anyone, just to have fun. Here's where the out-of-shape business comes into play, fun+out of shape don't mix well. I did have fun though, I realized that I miss being part of a team and we may not be the best, hell we may never win a game BUT it will be fun. I mean, I may no longer be able to run my fastest but I can still catch a ball and hit...what else is there? lol Anyway despite the mud and the "rust", it was a good practice. Now I just to need to figure out how to deal with the soreness tomorrow....

1 comment:

Keelie said...

Oh, I am proud of you for being active. I bet you will be in great shape by the end of the season! Yeah, about powerlifting...I'm gonna need you to post some picures of that real soon. Thanks.