Monday, May 25, 2009

Apartment Living

I will admit, first and foremost, I absolutely HATE it! It seems there is a need, at all times, for management to access our apartment and I think it's ridiculous. The most recent item of business is "pest control" aka "snooping time". At least that's what I feel they're really doing, probably because I'd be doing the same LOL. I don't mean going through stuff but checking out the decor, cleanliness, whether they're upholding the lease agreement, etc. That last part is where we're getting into hot water. You see, at the time we moved in, we didn't have the additional $500 for a pet deposit. This complex only allows one pet per apartment and it must be under 20lbs. We have a dog and cat, not to mention the new 50 gallon saltwater aquarium (that's another story...GRRR). So, even if I HAD put up the $500, I'd still be in violation. Of course, I realize it's my responsibility but whatever. After the deposit on the apartment as well as paying for movers, I'd say we were out almost $1200 and that doesn't even include the first month's rent (due at move-in).

Ok so back to pest control, perhaps it's just me but I am more than willing to take care of this myself. I guess it's a control issue, I don't know, I'd prefer to take care of my own environment and, yes, a house would be better (yet another story). Needless to say, I feel the need to clean the place within an inch of my life, I would never want anyone to think I live in squalor (it's not even close, just being dramatic). So it's a HUGE inconvenience, now I have to take Hero to work (probably will get groomed, I'm sure he's thrilled) and Lucy (my cat) must be dealt with. She is more the issue than Hero. You see, Lucy HATES her carrier as much as I hate apartments. The only difference is, I don't randomly pee and poop everywhere when being forced to live in an apartment, unlike when she's being forced in her carrier. sucks.

So on Thursday morning, as you're drinking your coffee, effortlessly driving to work, or haven't a care in the world...remember I'm (literally & figuratively) getting shit on.


Kendra said...

Ooh that sucks! Cat shit stinks. All shit stinks but cat shit really stinks......I know this sounds weird to other people but you understand, right?

klg0816 said...

Oh yeah and EVERYTIME I try to get her in the carrier, she poops. It usually lands on me OR the carpet, doesn't matter which, they're both an inconvenience ESPECIALLY in the morning. I think I'll wake up earlier that day!

Keelie said...

EEEEW! Sorry but that sounds really gross.

You have a 50 gallon salt water aquarium??That is crazy!!but very cool.

I think you should take pictures of it and post it somewhere I can see.

klg0816 said...

I would post a picture of it but it's going through an algae bloom right now. Looks disgusting but I am assured it will clear, which I hope especially given the amount of money already gone into it. Once it's clear, I'll post pics!