Thursday, May 14, 2009

Practice #3

I promise I will not blog after every damn practice, but this one was a doozie. It seems we're doing ok, we actually had our FULL team there last night, which is nice given our first game is less than two weeks away. Since we had all 12 players there, we opted to have something similar to a "scrimmage". Everyone bats, on hit 3 you run. So at one point, I was playing short stop, there's a runner on second and the ball is hit. I get in front of the grounder, only to see the runner out of the corner of my eye headed straight for me. I guess I took my eye off the ball long enough because it didn't go into my glove as planned, instead I had to BITE THE DUST just to get it. Left knee, big huge painful abrasion and several minor ones. Ok, I'm good, the pain isn't bad at all...let's play ball! Next batter up, he hits the ball twice, third hit coming up. It's a hard line drive, I...well, I'll be honest. At this point, I'm not really sure what happened because I still don't understand why I didn't catch it. Nope, instead this hard line drive slammed directly into my left knee! Yes, that's right the SAME knee. Since I had planned to leave at 8pm anyway, I was like ok I'm done lol. It's funny because it began to swell almost immediately, it looked like I had two knees on one leg!

Fast forward to today. Needless to say I had difficulty sleeping, it was painful last night. At one point, I hobbled out of bed only to take an undisclosed number of Ibuprofen, I believe that was around 4am. I finally fell asleep only to wake up two hours later. After being non-mobile for a while, standing up was like someone took a metal bat and swung with intent. I now know how Nancy Kerrigan felt (yes I just included a figure skater in my blog). So I called into work because I felt perhaps I should just stay off it for a day. However, I am embarrassed for calling in and feel extremely guilty. That being said, my job requires me to be ambulatory and, this morning, I'm not quite there but it's getting better.

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