Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Being 30

I realize many people look at turning 30 with disgust or even disdain. I'm not quite sure why but I suppose they feel that by ending their 20's, that means they're truly getting "older" or maybe they feel like "now I have to be an adult". I never really looked at my age that way, I saw it as just another day with a touch of the whole milestone thing. However, I don't feel any different, I don't act differently...or do I? I know it's not about being 30, it's about having experienced many things, learned from them and applying those lessons to everyday life. Does that make me wise? To some degree, I'd like to think so anyway, but not completely...afterall, I am only 30. I bring this up because I've watched recently as someone I know, fairly well, has opted to live her life in such a way that I cannot help but question her motives. She's smart, beautiful and lively. She feels that it's time for her to live her life carefree and enjoy her youth. I call her methods...reckless abandon. I find the way I feel about this situation almost new territory for me. Have I been there, definitely, and I came out of it for the better but will she? I don't know, I suppose it's not my place to guess. However, when I'm asked for advice or shared details from last nights festivities, I can't help but think, "Man, am I glad I don't live your life." It must be exhausting to always go out, get drunk/high and sleep around. Yep. So, my point is, in a way, I'm watching someone figure out life on their own terms and my advice to her, when asked, is always based on my own experience but it's seen as coming from someone older. It's difficult to watch a friend begin a tumble downhill, I want to grab her by the arm and stop it, but, sometimes, you've gotta tumble down that hill so you'll know next time how to keep your footing.

I must say, it's nice being on the other side. Don't get me wrong, I'm no better than her but I am glad that I'm in a place where I'm content just staying home and, yes, being an adult.

1 comment:

kcc said...

I think everyone has to go through something like that.....(not that it has to take that particular form) but something to exert their independence and test their boundaries. I did that, I am not proud of it and really don't care to think about it, but I am a better person on this side of it.

As to turning 30? I will in August and it hit me hard in January. Then I thought about what I had accomplished so far and where we were going in life.....and now it isn't so bad....

Just my ramble, not sure it made any sense, but, there it is!