Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I think I'm going to die....

Just got home from the second practice and my body is officially giving up on me, or so it feels. When I was moving around hitting and fielding I didn't really feel anything, however since arriving home, I suppose from the short drive and sitting in my car, I felt decrepit when I opened the door lol. Oh well, at least I have a few days to recover before the next practice. By the way, we're not half bad!

Although the rules of this league...SUCK! Let's see, here are just a few, and anyone remotely familiar with softball/baseball will KNOW these are silly:

1. 3 balls and the male takes TWO bases
2. One strike and you hit a foul...OUT!
4.There are two home bases, the runner steps on the second while the catcher covers the other.
As the runner, if you step on the one the catcher is covering...OUT!
5. First base is two colors, orange and white. The first baseman covers the white portion while
the runner is on the orange.

And the list goes on....

Why as a society must we feel the need to protect the feelings/skills of everyone nowadays? I mean whatever happened to a good ol' ballgame? I guess they don't exist anymore...well for an amateur city league lol.


Kendra said...

Ok. Number 3 is common, it's unfortunate though. Number 4, also common. Number 2 i'm a little confused by. Usually, the first two fouls are considered strikes but never the third (to make you out) OR 2 strikes and 1 foul OUT, 2 fouls and 1 strike OUT(you get the picture).....BUT 1 strike, 1foul OUT????? Number 1 I have NEVER heard of EVER. Sorry :(

klg0816 said...

I know these are bizarre rules. The rules alone are enough to make me rethink the whole thing.

Keelie said...

I have been wondering the same thing about protecting feelings and skills...You should have seen the joke of a feild day at my Elem school on Friday. There are no competitions. Everyone just walks around to different stations and takes turns doing somthing (duck duck goose was actually an event). The mommy's follow right behind and practically bottle feed the kids water and lather on suscreen and cheer for their kid as they do such things as see how far they can KICK THEIR SHOE off!! Everyone gets a "participation" ribbon. Seriously??? What happened to the 50 yard dash? I was humiliated for 6 years and I lived to tell about it. Geez...
Sorry, I didn't realize how passionate I was on this issue.

klg0816 said...

I KNOW!!!! There was always some XX yard dash or long jump (which I have a pic of me doing at a field day in elementary school) or EVEN HIGH JUMP (again, embarassing moment)...I just don't get why some kids have to be told they're good at something. That sounded bad, everyone is better at something than someone else, it's just that what does it matter...why does everyone get an award?!?! It didn't make me less of a person, it made me work harder. I dunno, just my opinion.

Keelie said...

Well, all I know is that some day this kid who has been told he is the most awesome thing on the planet--great at everything--all his life is going to get out in the real world and realize what the definition of LIAR is. How will he cope with THAT? Finding out I sucked at track and feild at an early age definitely helped to shape the person I am today LOL!

klg0816 said...

Well I don't have a child but if I did, and I'm sure you feel the same, if my child were to fail at something/anything, I would encourage him/her to try again. I feel it's worse to make them believe they can achieve anything without working for it. It's been my experience that nothing is attainable without working for it, that's the lesson I want to portray.

Keelie said...

Yes, I totally agree with you.
By the way, I am sorry for all the mispellings in my comments. I type very fast and with many errors, apparently.

klg0816 said...

Haha, it's all good...I got it all and didn't even notice!