Saturday, May 9, 2009

If You Seek Amy....

A local radio station recently had a petition, by recent I mean like a month or more ago (no blog then, sorry), regarding Britney Spears' new single, "If You Seek Amy". Now in all fairness for those not familiar with the song or Ms. Spears, say "If You Seek Amy" 10 times, fast and aloud. Get it? Hmmm, well it may sound a little like "F-U-C-K Me"...I know, I know (I apologize), the song is vulgarity at it's best/worst, or is it really? I mean the whole issue was that kids will like this song because they "think" they are spelling out a bad word right?

Anyway, my point, which I'm getting to shortly, has nothing to do with that little tidbit. It's more along the lines of why even have a petition for this song? Apparently, and I could be wrong about this (correct me if I am) but the station's sponsors were threatening the station that if this song was part of the playlist, they may pull their ads. As a radio station, however, they did their duty and listened to what the listeners had to say, hence the petition. (Oh and it is back on the playlist by the way)

Ok so moving on to my point. On my way home for lunch yesterday, I heard a song on this same station by Lady Gaga called "Love Game". A portion of the lyrics are, and I quote, "Let's have some fun this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick. Don't think too much just bust that kick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick. Let's play a love game..." How is this song any different than the previous?

I mean is this girl really talking about some toy (aka pogo) that was used during the "disco days" to have fun on the dance floor? Or is she talking about dancing? C'mon, 'take a ride on your disco stick'? It doesn't matter what the meaning is, which is my point exactly...every popular song these days has some double entendre, so the argument is ridiculous. Hello Flo Rider (or is it Flo Rida? lol)..."you spin my head right round, right round. When you go down, when you go down down..." PUHLEEEEEZE.

A lot of mainstream popular songs have double meanings or may be inappropriate for some audiences. So, if it's offensive to you, don't listen to it and don't watch the video expecting a different interpretation, just ignore it and if you're a parent, BE a parent.

I know I won't ignore them though, I like those songs I mentioned lol.


Keelie said...

I am so confused right now. lol

klg0816 said...

Haha, it's just strange that whole issue with that song. I mean all mainstream, popular music is filled with double entendre and they single out one song. That's what I meant, it doesn't make sense. So anyway, just a rant, nothing more.

klg0816 said...

After reading my post, it was a little hard to understand. I edited it a bit, think I got carried away and didn't proofread lol. Heck it may still be hard to understand, I dunno.

Keelie said...

No,it made sense. I was just trying to figure out if the petition was for listeners to sign or sponsorers. Either way, the petition is what is dumb to me. They could have simply excerised the right to not listen to the radio or sponsor another station. Stuff like this gets on my nerves.

And you are right--not the first song with sexual undertones--ha!

klg0816 said...

Sorry it was for the listeners lol, should've mentioned that! I literally went and edited almost the entire post, which I'm glad I did by the way, but mainly because I wasn't sure it made sense LOL.

Taylor said...

The first time I heard If You Seek Amy was on my 11 year old step-daughters Myspace...It is now monitered a little better!

klg0816 said...