Saturday, May 30, 2009

I've waited long enough...

If you know me, then you also know of my (borderline) obsession with Disney. Yes, it's true, I'm as big a kid as any when it comes to Disney! In this post, I am going to attempt to explain the reason for this obsession, it's difficult (truly) to explain but I will give it a shot. I apologize in advance for it's length.

In the Spring of 2002, I was talked into interviewing for an internship with Disney. I must say my motives were not the best (told it was a huge party basically). I did need a break from school as my grades were slipping horribly. As my mom says, every kid goes through that rebellious stage and I was definitely a late bloomer. I would literally go into tests heavily hungover. So a change was necessary and this internship seemed like a starting point, well from the bad grades at least lol (as I said before party+no school=good idea). It was a much difference experience though.

Yes there was definite partying (I never did nor will I ever do hardcore drugs in case that's what you're thinking) and lots of other things but, much more importantly, I not only found myself but lifetime friendships. I was not a huge Disney fan before, however something changed in the midst of this experience and, to this day, I cannot pinpoint it. That being said, when you're there, the mood is contagious, almost electric. It's like instant smile, it's almost a drug. It literally feels like ANYTHING can happen. I remember being at work one day at EPCOT and going to the breakroom, there was a TV on the news and my friend Beth and I watched in amazement as the US was bombing someone. We had no idea, you literally live in a bubble there. It's as though the outside world does not exist, you're just happy, almost euphoric. Dreams really do come true there, as hard as it was to even type that (given the corny factor), it's very true. If there is any advice I can given an adult, when going to Walt Disney World, it's...just let it in, be a kid again, that's what this place is about.

Obsession is a strong word and I'm not sure I'm officially obsessed with Walt Disney World; however, I cannot even consider a vacation without FIRST considering going there. I almost feel guilty if I want to go somewhere else, weird I know, which is probably why I've been 5 times since 2003 (when the internship ended). I never regret that though, I should say that first and foremost. I love it and I literally share in the excitement when someone I know is going, I love giving advice about the parks because (again corny) I want to SHARE the way I feel about it. As a matter of fact, I began planning a trip to take my niece Emma BEFORE she was born (ok that is weird I guess) and now I have another niece to plan for! Honestly, I would love nothing more than for my entire family to go together!

So, since I'll be 30 this year, I'm going to Walt Disney World (aka WDW) AGAIN! Well, that is, unless we can figure out a way to get to Alaska (my other obsession lol) without snow in October.

So, basically, if you were to draw a line that represented the things in my life that matter most...going to Disney for the internship definitely created a "blip" in that line. It's the same blip you see in the movies where a "cure is found for a disease" or, quite frankly, when you realize the important things in life and, while going to Disney is not important in the grand scheme of things, it's where I want to be.

***I must add I have not gone on vacations ONLY to WDW! We've also been, within recent years, to Key West, San Francisco and St Croix, USVI! So, I'm not THAT obsessed!***

1 comment:

Keelie said...

I get it. There is an emotional connection there. It almost like WDW is a person to you--a friend in itself. It's where you were when you found out all about who you are. I would want to go back there too!
I have a similar place that kind of feels like home when I am there and that is NYC. We also must always consider NY before going anywhere else and justin and I will have been there 3 times in 3 years after the trip we are about to take in June.

Anyway--I don't think you are wierd or obsessed. Just in love with the place.